David Watts
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Potential residential PV development in Chile: The effect of Net Metering and Net Billing schemes for grid-connected PV systems
D Watts, MF Valdés, D Jara, A Watson
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 41, 1037-1051, 2015
Security and vulnerability in electric power systems
D Watts
35th North American power symposium 2 (5), 2003
Toward a new data standard for combined marine biological and environmental datasets-expanding OBIS beyond species occurrences
D De Pooter, W Appeltans, N Bailly, S Bristol, K Deneudt, M Eliezer, ...
Biodiversity data journal, e10989, 2017
Method and apparatus for tracking vendor compliance with purchaser guidelines and related method for the commercial distribution of software and hardware implementing same
B Work, E Schwartzman, G Holder, D Watts
US Patent App. 09/760,556, 2002
The procedure used to develop a coal char classification—Commission III Combustion Working Group of the International Committee for Coal and Organic Petrology
E Lester, D Alvarez, AG Borrego, B Valentim, D Flores, DA Clift, ...
International Journal of Coal Geology 81 (4), 333-342, 2010
Automated fluorescent DNA sequencing on the ABI PRISM 310 Genetic Analyzer
D Watts, JRE MacBeath
DNA Sequencing Protocols, 153-170, 2001
Sustainability evaluation of concentrated solar power (CSP) projects under clean development mechanism (CDM) by using multi criteria decision method (MCDM)
Y Simsek, D Watts, R Escobar
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 93, 421-438, 2018
Portfolio applications in electricity markets review: Private investor and manager perspective trends
RP Odeh, D Watts, M Negrete-Pincetic
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 81, 192-204, 2018
Statistical analysis of wind energy in Chile
D Watts, D Jara
Renewable Energy 36 (5), 1603-1613, 2011
Novel methodology for microgrids in isolated communities: Electricity cost-coverage trade-off with 3-stage technology mix, dispatch & configuration optimizations
C Bustos, D Watts
Applied energy 195, 204-221, 2017
Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) after the first commitment period: Assessment of the world׳ s portfolio and the role of Latin America
D Watts, C Albornoz, A Watson
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 41, 1176-1189, 2015
Microgrid operation and design optimization with synthetic wins and solar resources
C Bustos, D Watts, H Ren
IEEE Latin America Transactions 10 (2), 1550-1562, 2012
Assessment of wind energy potential in Chile: A project-based regional wind supply function approach
D Watts, N Oses, R Pérez
Renewable Energy 96, 738-755, 2016
Impacts of wind and solar spatial diversification on its market value: A case study of the Chilean electricity market
RP Odeh, D Watts
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 111, 442-461, 2019
Early warning signals for critical transitions in power systems
H Ren, D Watts
Electric power systems research 124, 173-180, 2015
A novel automated image analysis method for maceral analysis
E Lester, D Watts, M Cloke
Fuel 81 (17), 2209-2217, 2002
Use based allocation methods for payment of electricity transmission systems
F Danitz, H Rudnick, J Zolezzi, D Watts
Proceedings. International Conference on Power System Technology 2, 907-911, 2002
Single-dwelling and community renewable microgrids: Optimal sizing and energy management for new business models
C Avilés, S Oliva, D Watts
Applied Energy 254, 113665, 2019
The unnoticed impact of long-term cost information on wind farms’ economic value in the USA.–A real option analysis
M Maeda, D Watts
Applied energy 241, 540-547, 2019
Planning in a changing environment: Applications of portfolio optimisation to deal with risk in the electricity sector
RP Odeh, D Watts, Y Flores
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 82, 3808-3823, 2018
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