Kristian Krieger
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Zitiert von
Mediating the social and psychological impacts of terrorist attacks: The role of risk perception and risk communication
MB Rogers, R Amlôt, GJ Rubin, S Wessely, K Krieger
International review of psychiatry 19 (3), 279-288, 2007
The limits and variety of risk‐based governance: The case of flood management in G ermany and E ngland
K Krieger
Regulation & Governance 7 (2), 236-257, 2013
Transforming innovation for decarbonisation? Insights from combining complex systems and social practice perspectives
N Labanca, ÂG Pereira, M Watson, K Krieger, D Padovan, L Watts, ...
Energy Research & Social Science 65, 101452, 2020
Understanding public responses to chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear incidents—Driving factors, emerging themes and research gaps
K Krieger, R Amlôt, MB Rogers
Environment international 72, 66-74, 2014
Understanding the roles of modernity, science, and risk in shaping flood management
S Nobert, K Krieger, F Pappenberger
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water 2 (3), 245-258, 2015
Justice in energy system transitions: the case of carbon capture and storage
D McLaren, K Krieger, K Bickerstaff
Energy Justice in a Changing Climate: Social Equity and Low-Carbon Energy …, 2013
Resilience and risk studies
K Krieger
Routledge handbook of risk studies, 335-343, 2016
Limits of insurance as risk governance: Market failures and disaster politics in German and British private flood insurance
K Krieger, D Demeritt
London School of Economics and Political Science, Centre for Analysis of …, 2015
Putting varieties of risk-based governance into institutional context: The case of flood management regimes in Germany and England in the 1990s and 2000s
K Krieger
King's College London (University of London), 2012
Norms, structures, procedures and variety in risk-based governance: the case of flood management in Germany and England
K Krieger
4th Biennal Conference of the ECPR Standing Group on Regulation & Governance …, 2012
Questioning world risk society: three challenges for research on the governance of uncertainty
F Cantelli, N Kodate, K Krieger
Global Policy, 2010
Green partnerships in Britain's energy sector–classifying non-governmental organisations and exploring their varying potential to co-operate with energy companies
K Krieger, MB Rogers
Environmental Politics 19 (6), 910-929, 2010
Towards democratic governance of uncertainty? Contesting notions of participation, control and accountability
F Cantelli, N Kodate, K Krieger
Journal of Risk Research 14 (8), 919-932, 2011
An evaluation framework for institutional capacity of science-for-policy ecosystems in EU Member States
DB Pedersen
European Commission, 2023
Science for policy in Portugal
VC Simões, L Melchor Fernandez, K Krieger
Publications Office of the European Union: Luxembourg, 2022
Advisory bodies and morality policies: does ethical expertise matter?
N Schiffino, K Krieger
Policy Sciences 52 (2), 191-210, 2019
Limits of insurance as risk governance: Market failures and disaster politics in German and British flood insurance
K Krieger, D Demerrit
Centre for Analysis of Risk and Regulation. London, UK: London School of …, 2015
Assessing national institutional capacity for evidence-informed policymaking: the role of a science-for-policy system
K Oliver
The Greek ecosystem of science for policy
S Ladi, D Panagiotatou, A Angelou, K Krieger, L Melchor
Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2022
Constructing assessment indicator dashboards for evidence-informed policymaking: Insights from the perspective of public administration, institutions, and governance
I Niestroy, K Krieger, L Melchor
Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, doi 10, 8657, 2022
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