roberto s clemente
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Combining remote sensing-simulation modeling and genetic algorithm optimization to explore water management options in irrigated agriculture
AVM Ines, K Honda, AD Gupta, P Droogers, RS Clemente
Agricultural water management 83 (3), 221-232, 2006
Impacts of fertigation via sprinkler irrigation on nitrate leaching and corn yield in an acid–sulphate soil in Thailand
ME Asadi, RS Clemente, AD Gupta, R Loof, GK Hansen
Agricultural water management 52 (3), 197-213, 2002
Testing and comparison of three unsaturated soil water flow models
RS Clemente, R De Jong, HN Hayhoe, WD Reynolds, M Hares
Agricultural Water Management 25 (2), 135-152, 1994
Simulating the impact of future land use and climate change on soil erosion and deposition in the Mae Nam Nan sub-catchment, Thailand
P Plangoen, MS Babel, RS Clemente, S Shrestha, NK Tripathi
Sustainability 5 (8), 3244-3274, 2013
PESTFADE, a new pesticide fate and transport model: model development and verification
RS Clemente, SO Prasher, SF Barrington
Transactions of the ASAE 36 (2), 357-367, 1993
Evaluation of CERES-Maize of DSSAT model to simulate nitrate leaching, yield and soil moisture content under tropical conditions
ME Asadi, RS Clemente
Journal of Food Agriculture and Environment 1, 270-276, 2003
Effects of vertical hedge interval of vetiver grass on erosion on steep agricultural lands
S Donjadee, RS Clemente, T Tingsanchali, C Chinnarasri
Land Degradation & Development 21 (3), 219-227, 2010
Catchment scale modelling of point source and non-point source pollution loads using pollutant export coefficients determined from long-term in-stream monitoring data
S Shrestha, F Kazama, LTH Newham, MS Babel, RS Clemente, ...
Journal of hydro-environment research 2 (3), 134-147, 2008
Integration of biophysical and socio‐economic factors to assess soil erosion hazard in the Upper Kaligarang Watershed, Indonesia
R Halim, RS Clemente, JK Routray, RP Shrestha
Land degradation & development 18 (4), 453-469, 2007
Calibration and validation of the Modified Universal Soil Loss Equation for estimating sediment yield on sloping plots: A case study in Khun Satan catchment of northern Thailand
S Pongsai, D Schmidt Vogt, RP Shrestha, RS Clemente, A Eiumnoh
Canadian Journal of Soil Science 90 (4), 585-596, 2010
Reservoir optimization-simulation with a sediment evacuation model to minimize irrigation deficits
NM Khan, MS Babel, T Tingsanchali, RS Clemente, HT Luong
Water resources management 26, 3173-3193, 2012
Application of SWAT model for hydrologic and water quality modeling in Thachin River Basin, Thailand
HQ Yasin, RS Clemente
Arabian journal for science and engineering 39, 1671-1684, 2014
Water flow through intact soil columns: measurement and simulation using LEACHM
WN Smith, WD Reynolds, R De Jong, RS Clemente, E Topp
Journal of environmental quality 24 (5), 874-881, 1995
Evaluation of water use sustainability under future climate and irrigation management scenarios in Citarum River Basin, Indonesia
IP Santikayasa, MS Babel, S Shrestha, D Jourdain, RS Clemente
International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology 21 (2), 181-194, 2014
Flood risk assessment in the region surrounding the Bangkok Suvarnabhumi Airport
Y Keokhumcheng, T Tingsanchali, RS Clemente
Water International 37 (3), 201-217, 2012
Spatial assessment of groundwater use potential for irrigation in Teesta Barrage Project in Bangladesh
SM Wahid, MS Babel, AD Gupta, RS Clemente
Hydrogeology Journal 15, 365-382, 2007
Assessment of different irrigation management models in Vietnam
TC Trung, AD Gupta, MS Babel, R Clemente
International Journal of water resources development 21 (3), 525-535, 2005
Role of soil moisture content in reducing environmental pollution from pesticides
SJ Jebellie, SO Prasher, RS Clemente
Canadian Water Resources Journal 21 (4), 393-402, 1996
Simulation of maize yield and N uptake under tropical conditions with the CERES-Maize model
ME Asadi, RS Clemente
Assessment of wetland ecosystem health in Lower Songkhram, Thailand
S Muangthong, RS Clemente, MS Babel, W Gallardo, S Weesakul
International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology 19 (3), 238-246, 2012
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