Reza Jafari
Reza Jafari
Professor, University of Quebec in Chicoutimi
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Application of superhydrophobic coatings as a corrosion barrier: A review
E Vazirinasab, R Jafari, G Momen
Surface and Coatings Technology 341, 40-56, 2018
Superhydrophobic and icephobic surfaces prepared by RF-sputtered polytetrafluoroethylene coatings
R Jafari, R Menini, M Farzaneh
Applied surface science 257 (5), 1540-1543, 2010
Applications of plasma technology in development of superhydrophobic surfaces
R Jafari, S Asadollahi, M Farzaneh
Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing 33, 177-200, 2013
Ice repellency behaviour of superhydrophobic surfaces: Effects of atmospheric icing conditions and surface roughness
G Momen, R Jafari, M Farzaneh
Applied Surface Science 349, 211-218, 2015
Micro-nanostructured polymer surfaces using injection molding: A review
K Maghsoudi, R Jafari, G Momen, M Farzaneh
Materials today communications 13, 126-143, 2017
Mechanisms of ice formation and propagation on superhydrophobic surfaces: A review
AA Yancheshme, G Momen, RJ Aminabadi
Advances in colloid and interface science 279, 102155, 2020
Fabrication of superhydrophobic nanostructured surface on aluminum alloy
R Jafari, M Farzaneh
Applied Physics A 102, 195-199, 2011
Development of silver nanoparticle loaded antibacterial polymer mesh using plasma polymerization process
V Kumar, C Jolivalt, J Pulpytel, R Jafari, F Arefi‐Khonsari
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A 101 (4), 1121-1132, 2013
Recent progress in the anti-icing performance of slippery liquid-infused surfaces
S Heydarian, R Jafari, G Momen
Progress in Organic Coatings 151, 106096, 2021
Recent progress and challenges with 3D printing of patterned hydrophobic and superhydrophobic surfaces
R Jafari, C Cloutier, A Allahdini, G Momen
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 103, 1225-1238, 2019
Stable plasma polymerized acrylic acid coating deposited on polyethylene (PE) films in a low frequency discharge (70 kHz)
R Jafari, M Tatoulian, W Morscheidt, F Arefi-Khonsari
Reactive and functional polymers 66 (12), 1757-1765, 2006
Wettability behaviour of RTV silicone rubber coated on nanostructured aluminium surface
G Momen, M Farzaneh, R Jafari
Applied Surface Science 257 (15), 6489-6493, 2011
Direct replication of micro-nanostructures in the fabrication of superhydrophobic silicone rubber surfaces by compression molding
K Maghsoudi, G Momen, R Jafari, M Farzaneh
Applied Surface Science 458, 619-628, 2018
Transparent non-fluorinated superhydrophobic coating with enhanced anti-icing performance
A Allahdini, R Jafari, G Momen
Progress in Organic Coatings 165, 106758, 2022
Advances in the fabrication of superhydrophobic polymeric surfaces by polymer molding processes
K Maghsoudi, E Vazirinasab, G Momen, R Jafari
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 59 (20), 9343-9363, 2020
Icephobicity and durability assessment of superhydrophobic surfaces: The role of surface roughness and the ice adhesion measurement technique
K Maghsoudi, E Vazirinasab, G Momen, R Jafari
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 288, 116883, 2021
Control of the visible and UV light water splitting and photocatalysis of nitrogen doped TiO2 thin films deposited by reactive magnetron sputtering
H Fakhouri, J Pulpytel, W Smith, A Zolfaghari, HR Mortaheb, F Meshkini, ...
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 144, 12-21, 2014
The ice repellency of plasma polymerized hexamethyldisiloxane coating
LF Mobarakeh, R Jafari, M Farzaneh
Applied surface science 284, 459-463, 2013
Superhydrophobic and icephobic polyurethane coatings: Fundamentals, progress, challenges and opportunities
S Rabbani, E Bakhshandeh, R Jafari, G Momen
Progress in Organic Coatings 165, 106715, 2022
Evaluation of atmospheric-pressure plasma parameters to achieve superhydrophobic and self-cleaning HTV silicone rubber surfaces via a single-step, eco-friendly approach
E Vazirinasab, R Jafari, G Momen
Surface and Coatings Technology 375, 100-111, 2019
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