Rubing Huang
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A survey on adaptive random testing
R Huang, W Sun, Y Xu, H Chen, D Towey, X Xia
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 47 (10), 2052-2083, 2019
Test case prioritization for object-oriented software: An adaptive random sequence approach based on clustering
J Chen, L Zhu, TY Chen, D Towey, FC Kuo, R Huang, Y Guo
Journal of Systems and Software 135, 107-125, 2018
Enhancing mirror adaptive random testing through dynamic partitioning
R Huang, H Liu, X Xie, J Chen
Information and Software Technology 67, 13-29, 2015
Adaptive random test case generation for combinatorial testing
R Huang, X Xie, TY Chen, Y Lu
2012 IEEE 36th Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference, 52-61, 2012
Regression test case prioritization by code combinations coverage
R Huang, Q Zhang, D Towey, W Sun, J Chen
Journal of Systems and Software 169, 110712, 2020
Network‐Based Analysis of Software Change Propagation
R Wang, R Huang, B Qu
The Scientific World Journal 2014 (1), 237243, 2014
A similarity metric for the inputs of OO programs and its application in adaptive random testing
J Chen, FC Kuo, TY Chen, D Towey, C Su, R Huang
IEEE Transactions on Reliability 66 (2), 373-402, 2016
Aggregate-strength interaction test suite prioritization
R Huang, J Chen, D Towey, ATS Chan, Y Lu
Journal of Systems and Software 99, 36-51, 2015
Poster: Is euclidean distance the best distance measurement for adaptive random testing?
R Huang, C Cui, W Sun, D Towey
2020 IEEE 13th International Conference on Software Testing, Validation and …, 2020
Prioritization of combinatorial test cases by incremental interaction coverage
R Huang, X Xie, D Towey, TY Chen, Y Lu, J Chen
International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 23 …, 2013
Prioritizing variable-strength covering array
R Huang, J Chen, T Zhang, R Wang, Y Lu
2013 IEEE 37th Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference, 502-511, 2013
Improving the accuracy of vulnerability report classification using term frequency-inverse gravity moment
PK Kudjo, J Chen, M Zhou, S Mensah, R Huang
2019 IEEE 19th International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and …, 2019
An entropy-based group decision-making approach for software quality evaluation
C Yue, R Huang, D Towey, Z Xian, G Wu
Expert Systems with Applications 238, 121979, 2024
Worst-input mutation approach to web services vulnerability testing based on SOAP messages
J Chen, H Wang, D Towey, C Mao, R Huang, Y Zhan
Tsinghua Science and Technology 19 (5), 429-441, 2014
Adaptive random prioritization for interaction test suites
R Huang, J Chen, Z Li, R Wang, Y Lu
Proceedings of the 29th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 1058-1063, 2014
Crop disease source location and monitoring system based on diffractive light identification airborne spore sensor network
J Zhang, C Pan, S Liu, Y Kou, J Tang, Y Wang, N Yang, R Huang
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 9 (13), 11030-11042, 2021
An efficient outlier detection method for data streams based on closed frequent patterns by considering anti-monotonic constraints
S Cai, R Huang, J Chen, C Zhang, B Liu, S Yin, Y Geng
Information Sciences 555, 125-146, 2021
Efficient vulnerability detection based on an optimized rule-checking static analysis technique
D Chen, Y Zhang, W Wei, S Wang, R Huang, X Li, B Qu, S Jiang
Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering 18 (3), 332-345, 2017
A novel test case generation approach for adaptive random testing of object-oriented software using k-means clustering technique
J Chen, H Chen, Y Guo, M Zhou, R Huang, C Mao
IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence 6 (4 …, 2021
Abstract test case prioritization using repeated small-strength level-combination coverage
R Huang, W Sun, TY Chen, D Towey, J Chen, W Zong, Y Zhou
IEEE Transactions on Reliability 69 (1), 349-372, 2019
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