Arjun Krishnan
Arjun Krishnan
Associate Professor, Biomedical Informatics, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
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Understanding multicellular function and disease with human tissue-specific networks
CS Greene, A Krishnan, AK Wong, E Ricciotti, RA Zelaya, ...
Nature genetics 47 (6), 569-576, 2015
Molecular and physiological analysis of drought stress in Arabidopsis reveals early responses leading to acclimation in plant growth
A Harb, A Krishnan, MMR Ambavaram, A Pereira
Plant physiology 154 (3), 1254-1271, 2010
Improvement of water use efficiency in rice by expression of HARDY, an Arabidopsis drought and salt tolerance gene
A Karaba, S Dixit, R Greco, A Aharoni, KR Trijatmiko, N Marsch-Martinez, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (39), 15270-15275, 2007
Genome-wide prediction and functional characterization of the genetic basis of autism spectrum disorder
A Krishnan, R Zhang, V Yao, CL Theesfeld, AK Wong, A Tadych, ...
Nature neuroscience 19 (11), 1454-1462, 2016
Effects of drought on gene expression in maize reproductive and leaf meristem tissue revealed by RNA-Seq
A Kakumanu, MMR Ambavaram, C Klumas, A Krishnan, U Batlang, ...
Plant Physiology 160 (2), 846-867, 2012
A community computational challenge to predict the activity of pairs of compounds
M Bansal, J Yang, C Karan, MP Menden, JC Costello, H Tang, G Xiao, ...
Nature biotechnology 32 (12), 1213-1222, 2014
Coordinated regulation of photosynthesis in rice increases yield and tolerance to environmental stress
MMR Ambavaram, S Basu, A Krishnan, V Ramegowda, U Batlang, ...
Nature communications 5 (1), 5302, 2014
Mutant resources in rice for functional genomics of the grasses
A Krishnan, E Guiderdoni, G An, YC Hsing, C Han, MC Lee, SM Yu, ...
Plant physiology 149 (1), 165-170, 2009
Coordinated activation of cellulose and repression of lignin biosynthesis pathways in rice
MMR Ambavaram, A Krishnan, KR Trijatmiko, A Pereira
Plant physiology 155 (2), 916-931, 2011
Rare variants in the genetic background modulate cognitive and developmental phenotypes in individuals carrying disease-associated variants
L Pizzo, M Jensen, A Polyak, JA Rosenfeld, K Mannik, A Krishnan, ...
Genetics in Medicine 21 (4), 816-825, 2019
IMP 2.0: a multi-species functional genomics portal for integration, visualization and prediction of protein functions and networks
AK Wong, A Krishnan, V Yao, A Tadych, OG Troyanskaya
Nucleic Acids Research 43 (W1), W128-W133, 2015
Targeted exploration and analysis of large cross-platform human transcriptomic compendia
Q Zhu, AK Wong, A Krishnan, MR Aure, A Tadych, R Zhang, DC Corney, ...
Nature methods 12 (3), 211-214, 2015
Rice GROWTH UNDER DROUGHT KINASE is required for drought tolerance and grain yield under normal and drought stress conditions
V Ramegowda, S Basu, A Krishnan, A Pereira
Plant physiology 166 (3), 1634-1645, 2014
Mechanisms of action and medicinal applications of abscisic acid
J Bassaganya-Riera, J Skoneczka, DGJ Kingston, A Krishnan, SA Misyak, ...
Current medicinal chemistry 17 (5), 467-478, 2010
GIANT 2.0: genome-scale integrated analysis of gene networks in tissues
AK Wong, A Krishnan, OG Troyanskaya
Nucleic acids research 46 (W1), W65-W70, 2018
Pervasive genetic interactions modulate neurodevelopmental defects of the autism-associated 16p11.2 deletion in Drosophila melanogaster
J Iyer, MD Singh, M Jensen, P Patel, L Pizzo, E Huber, H Koerselman, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 2548, 2018
PecanPy: a fast, efficient and parallelized Python implementation of node2vec
R Liu, A Krishnan
Bioinformatics, btab202, 2021
Robust normalization and transformation techniques for constructing gene coexpression networks from RNA-seq data
KA Johnson, A Krishnan
Genome biology 23, 1-26, 2022
Tissue-aware data integration approach for the inference of pathway interactions in metazoan organisms
CY Park, A Krishnan, Q Zhu, AK Wong, YS Lee, OG Troyanskaya
Bioinformatics 31 (7), 1093-1101, 2015
Supervised learning is an accurate method for network-based gene classification
R Liu, CA Mancuso, A Yannakopoulos, KA Johnson, A Krishnan
Bioinformatics 36 (11), 3457-3465, 2020
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