Maria Luisa Farnese
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An integrative approach to understanding counterproductive work behavior: The roles of stressors, negative emotions, and moral disengagement
R Fida, M Paciello, C Tramontano, RG Fontaine, C Barbaranelli, ...
Journal of business ethics 130, 131-144, 2015
Managing knowledge in organizations: A Nonaka’s SECI model operationalization
ML Farnese, B Barbieri, A Chirumbolo, G Patriotta
Frontiers in psychology 10, 506330, 2019
Cheating behaviors in academic context: Does academic moral disengagement matter?
ML Farnese, C Tramontano, R Fida, M Paciello
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 29, 356-365, 2011
Work Self-efficacy Scale and Search for Work Self-efficacy Scale: A validation study in Spanish and Italian cultural contexts
SJ Pepe, ML Farnese, F Avalone, M Vecchione
Revista de Psicología del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones 26 (3), 201-210, 2010
“Yes, I Can”: the protective role of personal self-efficacy in hindering counterproductive work behavior under stressful conditions
R Fida, M Paciello, C Tramontano, C Barbaranelli, ML Farnese
Anxiety, Stress, & Coping 28 (5), 479-499, 2015
Machiavellian ways to academic cheating: A mediational and interactional model
C Barbaranelli, ML Farnese, C Tramontano, R Fida, V Ghezzi, M Paciello, ...
Frontiers in psychology 9, 695, 2018
Managing care errors in the wards: The contribution of authentic leadership and error management culture
ML Farnese, F Zaghini, R Caruso, R Fida, M Romagnoli, A Sili
Leadership & Organization Development Journal 40 (1), 17-30, 2019
Management of green intellectual capital: Evidence-based literature review and future directions
P Benevene, I Buonomo, E Kong, M Pansini, ML Farnese
Sustainability 13 (15), 8349, 2021
How reflexivity enhances organizational innovativeness: the mediation role of team support for innovation and individual commitment
ML Farnese, S Livi
Knowledge management research & practice 14 (4), 525-536, 2016
Reflexivity and flexibility: Complementary routes to innovation?
ML Farnese, R Fida, S Livi
Journal of Management & Organization 22 (3), 404-419, 2016
Don’t abandon hope all ye who enter here: the protective role of formal mentoring and learning processes on burnout in correctional officers
ML Farnese, B Barbieri, B Bello, PT Bartone
Work 58 (3), 319-331, 2017
Autoefficacia percepita nella ricerca del lavoro: scale di misura
F Avallone, S Pepe, R Porcelli, ML Farnese
Bisogni, valori e autoefficacia nella scelta del lavoro, 133-142, 2007
Culture organizzative. Modelli e strumenti di intervento.
F Avallone, ML Farnese
Guerini, 2005
Learning the Ropes: The Protective Role of Mentoring in Correctional Police Officers’ Socialization Process.
ML Farnese, B Bellò, S Livi, B Barbieri, P Gubbiotti
Military Psychology, 2016
The Work Values Questionnaire (WVQ): Revisiting Schwartz's Portrait Values Questionnaire (PVQ) for work contexts.
F Avallone, ML Farnese, S Pepe, M Vecchione
BPA-Applied Psychology Bulletin (Bollettino di Psicologia Applicata), 2010
Error orientation at work: Dimensionality and relationships with errors and organizational cultural factors
ML Farnese, R Fida, M Picoco
Current Psychology 41 (2), 970-989, 2022
Assessing the risk of stress in organizations: getting the measure of organizational-level stressors
S Wood, V Ghezzi, C Barbaranelli, C Di Tecco, R Fida, ML Farnese, ...
Frontiers in Psychology 10, 2776, 2019
Other-focused approach to teaching. The effect of ethical leadership and quiet ego on work engagement and the mediating role of compassion satisfaction
I Buonomo, ML Farnese, ML Vecina, P Benevene
Frontiers in Psychology 12, 692116, 2021
“You can see how things will end by the way they begin”: The contribution of early mutual obligations for the development of the psychological contract
ML Farnese, S Livi, B Barbieri, R Schalk
Frontiers in Psychology 9, 543, 2018
Organizational capital: A resource for changing and performing in public administrations
B Barbieri, I Buonomo, ML Farnese, P Benevene
Sustainability 13 (10), 5436, 2021
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