Kenneth W. Tate

Kenneth W. Tate

Professor and CE Specialist, University of California Davis
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Michael C. Duniway

Michael C. Duniway

US Geological Survey
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Mohammad Jafari

Mohammad Jafari

Professor, Faculty of Natural Resources, College of Agricul, Natural Resources, University of …
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Kamal Naseri

Kamal Naseri

Associate Professor, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
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Prof. Oliver V. Wasonga (

Prof. Oliver V. Wasonga (

Assocaite Professor, Dryland Ecology & Climate Change Adaptation
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Hossein Azarnivand

Hossein Azarnivand

Professor, Dep. of Reclamation of Arid & Mountain Provinces, Faculty of Natural Resources …
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Corey Moffet

Corey Moffet

USDA-ARS, Southern Plains Range Research Station
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Kagan Kokten

Kagan Kokten

Sivas Bilim ve Teknoloji Üniversitesi
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Kevin Sedivec

Kevin Sedivec

School of Natural Resource Sciences, North Dakota State University
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Jeffrey S. Fehmi

Jeffrey S. Fehmi

Professor of Ecology, Management, and Restoration of Rangelands, University of Arizona
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