Brent D. Mishler

Brent D. Mishler

Professor of Integrative Biology, UC Berkeley
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Amru Nasrulhaq Boyce

Amru Nasrulhaq Boyce

Institute of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science Building, University of Malaya, 50603 …
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Michelle J. Price

Michelle J. Price

Curator and Researcher in Bryology, Conservatory and Botanical Garden of the City of …
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Harry Ardell Allard (1880-1963)

Harry Ardell Allard (1880-1963)

USDA and Dept. Botany, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution
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Efrain De Luna

Efrain De Luna

Retired / Jubilado. Formerly / Antes: Biodiversidad y Sistemática, INECOL, Xalapa. ITC, SNI …
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Wagieh El-Saadawi

Wagieh El-Saadawi

Professor Emeritus, Ain Shams University
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kamel khalil

kamel khalil

Professor of Environment pollution, Tishreen University
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Saeed Shirzadian

Saeed Shirzadian

Iranian Research Institute of Plant Protection, Agricultural Research, Education and …
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B D Vashistha

BD Vashistha

Botany department, kurukshetra university, Delhi university
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