Growth is Good for the Poor D Dollar, A Kraay Journal of economic growth 7, 195-225, 2002 | 7400 | 2002 |
Aid, policies, and growth C Burnside, D Dollar American economic review 90 (4), 847-868, 2000 | 7351 | 2000 |
Who gives foreign aid to whom and why? A Alesina, D Dollar Journal of economic growth 5, 33-63, 2000 | 5142 | 2000 |
Outward-oriented developing economies really do grow more rapidly: evidence from 95 LDCs, 1976-1985 D Dollar Economic development and cultural change 40 (3), 523-544, 1992 | 4173 | 1992 |
Trade, growth, and poverty D Dollar, A Kraay The economic journal 114 (493), F22-F49, 2004 | 2486 | 2004 |
Aid allocation and poverty reduction D Dollar Conflict, Political Accountability and Aid, 301-325, 2013 | 2463 | 2013 |
Institutions, trade, and growth D Dollar, A Kraay Journal of monetary economics 50 (1), 133-162, 2003 | 1929 | 2003 |
Trade, growth, and poverty D Dollar, A Kraay Available at SSRN 632684, 2001 | 1542 | 2001 |
Are women really the “fairer” sex? Corruption and women in government D Dollar, R Fisman, R Gatti Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 46 (4), 423-429, 2001 | 1533 | 2001 |
Gender inequality, income, and growth: are good times good for women? D Dollar, R Gatti Development Research Group, The World Bank, 1999 | 1431 | 1999 |
Port efficiency, maritime transport costs, and bilateral trade X Clark, D Dollar, A Micco Journal of development economics 75 (2), 417-450, 2004 | 1269 | 2004 |
Can the world cut poverty in half? How policy reform and effective aid can meet international development goals P Collier, D Dollar World development 29 (11), 1787-1802, 2001 | 884 | 2001 |
Aid, policies, and growth: revisiting the evidence C Burnside, D Dolla World Bank, 2004 | 825 | 2004 |
What explains the success or failure of structural adjustment programmes? D Dollar, J Svensson The Economic Journal 110 (466), 894-917, 2000 | 816 | 2000 |
Investment climate and firm performance in developing economies D Dollar, M Hallward-Driemeier, T Mengistae Economic Development and Cultural Change 54 (1), 1-31, 2005 | 688 | 2005 |
The increasing selectivity of foreign aid, 1984–2003 D Dollar, V Levin World development 34 (12), 2034-2046, 2006 | 678 | 2006 |
Growth still is good for the poor D Dollar, T Kleineberg, A Kraay European Economic Review 81, 68-85, 2016 | 651 | 2016 |
Das (wasted) kapital: firm ownership and investment efficiency in China D Dollar, SJ Wei National Bureau of Economic Research, 2007 | 586 | 2007 |
Competitiveness, convergence, and international specialization D Dollar, EN Wolff Mit Press, 1993 | 583 | 1993 |
Development effectiveness: what have we learnt? P Collier, D Dollar The economic journal 114 (496), F244-F271, 2004 | 537 | 2004 |