Tomas Kruml
Tomas Kruml
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From dislocation cores to strength and work-hardening: a study of binary Ni3Al
T Kruml, E Conforto, BL Piccolo, D Caillard, JL Martin
Acta materialia 50 (20), 5091-5101, 2002
Dislocation structures in 316L stainless steel cycled with plastic strain amplitudes over a wide interval
K Obrtlík, T Kruml, J Polák
Materials Science and Engineering: A 187 (1), 1-9, 1994
Dislocation structures in the bands of localised cyclic plastic strain in austenitic 316L and austenitic-ferritic duplex stainless steels
T Kruml, J Pola, K Obrtli, S Degallaix
Acta materialia 45 (12), 5145-5151, 1997
Low cycle fatigue of Eurofer 97
P Marmy, T Kruml
Journal of Nuclear Materials 377 (1), 52-58, 2008
Study of cyclic strain localization and fatigue crack initiation using FIB technique
J Man, T Vystavěl, A Weidner, I Kuběna, M Petrenec, T Kruml, J Polák
International Journal of Fatigue 39, 44-53, 2012
Characterisation of TiN thin films using the bulge test and the nanoindentation technique
A Karimi, OR Shojaei, T Kruml, JL Martin
Thin Solid Films 308, 334-339, 1997
Mechanical behaviour of ferritic ODS steels–Temperature dependancy and anisotropy
B Fournier, A Steckmeyer, AL Rouffie, J Malaplate, J Garnier, M Ratti, ...
Journal of Nuclear Materials 430 (1-3), 142-149, 2012
Microstructure evolution during cyclic tests on EUROFER 97 at room temperature. TEM observation and modelling
MF Giordana, PF Giroux, I Alvarez-Armas, M Sauzay, A Armas, T Kruml
Materials Science and Engineering: A 550, 103-111, 2012
Microstructure in 316LN stainless steel fatigued at low temperature
T Kruml, J Polák, S Degallaix
Materials Science and Engineering: A 293 (1-2), 275-280, 2000
Low cycle fatigue behavior of Sanicro25 steel at room and at elevated temperature
J Polák, R Petráš, M Heczko, I Kuběna, T Kruml, G Chai
Materials Science and Engineering: A 615, 175-182, 2014
Effect of pressure of pulsating water jet moving along stair trajectory on erosion depth, surface morphology and microhardness
S Hloch, M Srivastava, A Nag, M Müller, M Hromasová, J Svobodová, ...
Wear 452, 203278, 2020
Effect of microstructure on low cycle fatigue properties of ODS steels
I Kubena, B Fournier, T Kruml
Journal of nuclear materials 424 (1-3), 101-108, 2012
Characterization of thermally activated dislocation mechanisms using transient tests
JL Martin, BL Piccolo, T Kruml, J Bonneville
Materials Science and Engineering: A 322 (1-2), 118-125, 2002
Fatigue damage in austenitic‐ferritic duplex stainless steels
S Degallam, A Sedwuki, G Degallaix, T Kruml, J Polák
Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures 18 (1), 65-77, 1995
Mechanical properties of high niobium TiAl alloys doped with Mo and C
A Chlupová, M Heczko, K Obrtlík, J Polák, P Roupcová, P Beran, T Kruml
Materials & Design 99, 284-292, 2016
Fatigue softening of X10CrAl24 ferritic steel
T Kruml, J Polák
Materials Science and Engineering: A 319, 564-568, 2001
Stability of austenitic 316L steel against martensite formation during cyclic straining
J Man, K Obrtlík, M Petrenec, P Beran, M Smaga, A Weidner, J Dluhoš, ...
Procedia Engineering 10, 1279-1284, 2011
Microstructure and dislocation arrangements in Sanicro 25 steel fatigued at ambient and elevated temperatures
M Heczko, J Polák, T Kruml
Materials Science and Engineering: A 680, 168-181, 2017
About the determination of the thermal and athermal stress components from stress-relaxation experiments
T Kruml, O Coddet, JL Martin
Acta materialia 56 (3), 333-340, 2008
Atomic resolution characterization of strengthening nanoparticles in a new high-temperature-capable 43Fe-25Ni-22.5 Cr austenitic stainless steel
M Heczko, BD Esser, TM Smith, P Beran, V Mazánová, DW McComb, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 719, 49-60, 2018
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