Carina Curto
Carina Curto
Brown University
Correu electrònic verificat a - Pàgina d'inici
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Clique topology reveals intrinsic geometric structure in neural correlations
C Giusti, E Pastalkova, C Curto, V Itskov
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (44), 13455-13460, 2015
A simple model of cortical dynamics explains variability and state dependence of sensory responses in urethane-anesthetized auditory cortex
C Curto, S Sakata, S Marguet, V Itskov, KD Harris
Journal of neuroscience 29 (34), 10600-10612, 2009
Cell assembly sequences arising from spike threshold adaptation keep track of time in the hippocampus
V Itskov, C Curto, E Pastalkova, G Buzsáki
Journal of Neuroscience 31 (8), 2828-2834, 2011
Cell groups reveal structure of stimulus space
C Curto, V Itskov
PLoS computational biology 4 (10), e1000205, 2008
What can topology tell us about the neural code?
C Curto
Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 54 (1), 63-78, 2017
The neural ring: an algebraic tool for analyzing the intrinsic structure of neural codes
C Curto, V Itskov, A Veliz-Cuba, N Youngs
Bulletin of mathematical biology 75, 1571-1611, 2013
Auroral source region: Plasma properties of the high‐latitude plasma sheet
CA Kletzing, JD Scudder, EE Dors, C Curto
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 108 (A10), 2003
What makes a neural code convex?
C Curto, E Gross, J Jeffries, K Morrison, M Omar, Z Rosen, A Shiu, ...
SIAM Journal on Applied Algebra and Geometry 1 (1), 222-238, 2017
How do neurons work together? Lessons from auditory cortex
KD Harris, P Bartho, P Chadderton, C Curto, J de la Rocha, L Hollender, ...
Hearing research 271 (1-2), 37-53, 2011
Population coding of tone stimuli in auditory cortex: dynamic rate vector analysis
P Bartho, C Curto, A Luczak, SL Marguet, KD Harris
European Journal of Neuroscience 30 (9), 1767-1778, 2009
Combinatorial neural codes from a mathematical coding theory perspective
C Curto, V Itskov, K Morrison, Z Roth, JL Walker
Neural computation 25 (7), 1891-1925, 2013
Diversity of emergent dynamics in competitive threshold-linear networks
K Morrison, A Degeratu, V Itskov, C Curto
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 23 (1), 855-884, 2024
Fixed points of competitive threshold-linear networks
C Curto, J Geneson, K Morrison
Neural computation 31 (1), 94-155, 2019
Relating network connectivity to dynamics: opportunities and challenges for theoretical neuroscience
C Curto, K Morrison
Current opinion in neurobiology 58, 11-20, 2019
Flexible memory networks
C Curto, A Degeratu, V Itskov
Bulletin of mathematical biology 74, 590-614, 2012
Calmodulin enhances ribbon replenishment and shapes filtering of synaptic transmission by cone photoreceptors
MJ Van Hook, CM Parmelee, M Chen, KM Cork, C Curto, WB Thoreson
Journal of General Physiology 144 (5), 357-378, 2014
Threefold flops via matrix factorization
C Curto, DR Morrison
arXiv preprint math/0611014, 2006
Pattern completion in symmetric threshold-linear networks
C Curto, K Morrison
Neural computation 28 (12), 2825-2852, 2016
Encoding binary neural codes in networks of threshold-linear neurons
C Curto, A Degeratu, V Itskov
Neural computation 25 (11), 2858-2903, 2013
Sequential attractors in combinatorial threshold-linear networks
C Parmelee, JL Alvarez, C Curto, K Morrison
SIAM journal on applied dynamical systems 21 (2), 1597-1630, 2022
En aquests moments el sistema no pot dur a terme l'operació. Torneu-ho a provar més tard.
Articles 1–20