jeffrey gold
jeffrey gold
vice chair Quality and Safety, Oregon health & Science
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Catapult-like release of mitochondrial DNA by eosinophils contributes to antibacterial defense
S Yousefi, JA Gold, N Andina, JJ Lee, AM Kelly, E Kozlowski, I Schmid, ...
Nature medicine 14 (9), 949-953, 2008
Characteristics associated with hospitalization among patients with COVID-19—Metropolitan Atlanta, Georgia, March–April 2020
ME Killerby
MMWR. Morbidity and mortality weekly report 69, 2020
A strategy of escalating doses of benzodiazepines and phenobarbital administration reduces the need for mechanical ventilation in delirium tremens
JA Gold, B Rimal, A Nolan, LS Nelson
Critical care medicine 35 (3), 724-730, 2007
Schistosomiasis in the congenitally athymic (nude) mouse: I. Thymic dependency of eosinophilia, granuloma formation, and host morbidity
SM Phillips, JJ DiConza, JA Gold, WA Reid
The Journal of Immunology 118 (2), 594-599, 1977
The effect of physicians’ body weight on patient attitudes: implications for physician selection, trust and adherence to medical advice
RM Puhl, JA Gold, J Luedicke, JA DePierre
International journal of obesity 37 (11), 1415-1421, 2013
Alcohol withdrawal syndromes in the intensive care unit
MC Sarff, JA Gold
Critical care medicine 38 (9), S494-S501, 2010
Differential role for CD80 and CD86 in the regulation of the innate immune response in murine polymicrobial sepsis
A Nolan, H Kobayashi, B Naveed, A Kelly, Y Hoshino, S Hoshino, ...
PloS one 4 (8), e6600, 2009
Hut lung: a domestically acquired particulate lung disease
JA Gold, J Jagirdar, JG Hay, DJ Addrizzo-Harris, DP Naidich, WN Rom
Medicine 79 (5), 310-317, 2000
Beyond information retrieval and electronic health record use: competencies in clinical informatics for medical education
WR Hersh, PN Gorman, FE Biagioli, V Mohan, JA Gold, GC Mejicano
Advances in Medical Education and Practice, 205-212, 2014
CD40 and CD80/86 act synergistically to regulate inflammation and mortality in polymicrobial sepsis
A Nolan, M Weiden, A Kelly, Y Hoshino, S Hoshino, N Mehta, JA Gold
American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine 177 (3), 301-308, 2008
Mycobacterium tuberculosis-induced CXCR4 and chemokine expression leads to preferential X4 HIV-1 replication in human macrophages
Y Hoshino, DB Tse, G Rochford, S Prabhakar, S Hoshino, N Chitkara, ...
The Journal of Immunology 172 (10), 6251-6258, 2004
The cumulative effects of intravenous antibiotic treatments on hearing in patients with cystic fibrosis
AC Garinis, CP Cross, P Srikanth, K Carroll, MP Feeney, DH Keefe, ...
Journal of Cystic Fibrosis 16 (3), 401-409, 2017
Mouse eosinophils possess potent antibacterial properties in vivo
SN Linch, AM Kelly, ET Danielson, R Pero, JJ Lee, JA Gold
Infection and immunity 77 (11), 4976-4982, 2009
Vasopressin as an alternative to norepinephrine in the treatment of milrinone-induced hypotension
JA Gold, S Cullinane, J Chen, MC Oz, JA Oliver, DW Landry
Critical care medicine 28 (1), 249-252, 2000
Vasopressin in the treatment of milrinone-induced hypotension in severe heart failure
J Gold, S Cullinane, J Chen, S Seo, MC Oz, JA Oliver, DW Landry
American Journal of Cardiology 85 (4), 506-508, 2000
Interleukin 5 is protective during sepsis in an eosinophil-independent manner
SN Linch, ET Danielson, AM Kelly, RA Tamakawa, JJ Lee, JA Gold
American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine 186 (3), 246-254, 2012
Disparities in telephone and video telehealth engagement during the COVID-19 pandemic
JW Sachs, P Graven, JA Gold, SZ Kassakian
JAMIA open 4 (3), ooab056, 2021
Surfactant protein A modulates the inflammatory response in macrophages during tuberculosis
JA Gold, Y Hoshino, N Tanaka, WN Rom, B Raju, R Condos, MD Weiden
Infection and immunity 72 (2), 645-650, 2004
Gene expression profiles of bronchoalveolar cells in pulmonary TB
B Raju, Y Hoshino, I Belitskaya-Lévy, R Dawson, S Ress, JA Gold, ...
Tuberculosis 88 (1), 39-51, 2008
Exogenous Gamma and Alpha/Beta Interferon Rescues Human Macrophages from Cell Death Induced by Bacillus anthracis
JA Gold, Y Hoshino, S Hoshino, MB Jones, A Nolan, MD Weiden
Infection and immunity 72 (3), 1291-1297, 2004
En aquests moments el sistema no pot dur a terme l'operació. Torneu-ho a provar més tard.
Articles 1–20