Richard L. Magin
Richard L. Magin
Emeritus Professor of Biomedical Engieering, University of Illinois Chicago
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Fractional calculus in bioengineering, part 1
R Magin
Critical Reviews™ in Biomedical Engineering 32 (1), 2004
Fractional calculus models of complex dynamics in biological tissues
RL Magin
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 59 (5), 1586-1593, 2010
Fractional calculus in viscoelasticity: an experimental study
FC Meral, TJ Royston, R Magin
Communications in nonlinear science and numerical simulation 15 (4), 939-945, 2010
High-resolution microcoil 1H-NMR for mass-limited, nanoliter-volume samples
DL Olson, TL Peck, AG Webb, RL Magin, JV Sweedler
Science 270 (5244), 1967-1970, 1995
fMRI studies of Stroop tasks reveal unique roles of anterior and posterior brain systems in attentional selection
MT Banich, MP Milham, R Atchley, NJ Cohen, A Webb, T Wszalek, ...
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 12 (6), 988-1000, 2000
Anomalous diffusion expressed through fractional order differential operators in the Bloch–Torrey equation
RL Magin, O Abdullah, D Baleanu, XJ Zhou
Journal of Magnetic Resonance 190 (2), 255-270, 2008
Liposomes and local hyperthermia: selective delivery of methotrexate to heated tumors
JN Weinstein, RL Magin, MB Yatvin, DS Zaharko
Science 204 (4389), 188-191, 1979
Design and analysis of microcoils for NMR microscopy
TL Peck, RL Magin, PC Lauterbur
Journal of Magnetic Resonance, Series B 108 (2), 114-124, 1995
On the fractional signals and systems
R Magin, MD Ortigueira, I Podlubny, J Trujillo
Signal Processing 91 (3), 350-371, 2011
Modeling the cardiac tissue electrode interface using fractional calculus
RL Magin, M Ovadia
Journal of Vibration and Control 14 (9-10), 1431-1442, 2008
Treatment of solid L1210 murine tumors with local hyperthermia and temperature-sensitive liposomes containing methotrexate
JN Weinstein, RL Magin, RL Cysyk, DS Zaharko
Cancer research 40 (5), 1388-1395, 1980
1H-NMR spectroscopy on the nanoliter scale for static and online measurements
N Wu, TL Peck, AG Webb, RL Magin, JV Sweedler
Analytical Chemistry 66 (22), 3849-3857, 1994
Studies of anomalous diffusion in the human brain using fractional order calculus
XJ Zhou, Q Gao, O Abdullah, RL Magin
Magnetic resonance in medicine 63 (3), 562-569, 2010
Characterization of anomalous diffusion in porous biological tissues using fractional order derivatives and entropy
RL Magin, C Ingo, L Colon-Perez, W Triplett, TH Mareci
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 178, 39-43, 2013
Selective MR imaging of labeled human peripheral blood mononuclear cells by liposome mediated incorporation of dextran‐magnetite particles
JWM Bulte, LD Ma, RL Magin, RL Kamman, CE Hulstaert, KG Go, TH The, ...
Magnetic resonance in medicine 29 (1), 32-37, 1993
Solving the fractional order Bloch equation
R Magin, X Feng, D Baleanu
Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part A: An Educational Journal 34 (1), 16-23, 2009
Nanoliter volume sample cells for 1H NMR: application to online detection in capillary electrophoresis
N Wu, TL Peck, AG Webb, RL Magin, JV Sweedler
Journal of the American Chemical Society 116 (17), 7929-7930, 1994
Specific MR imaging of human lymphocytes by monoclonal antibody‐guided dextran‐magnetite particles
JWM Bulte, Y Hoekstra, RL Kamman, RL Magin, AG Webb, RW Briggs, ...
Magnetic resonance in medicine 25 (1), 148-157, 1992
Integrating microfabricated fluidic systems and NMR spectroscopy
JD Trumbull, IK Glasgow, DJ Beebe, RL Magin
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 47 (1), 3-7, 2000
Fractional Bloch equation with delay
S Bhalekar, V Daftardar-Gejji, D Baleanu, R Magin
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 61 (5), 1355-1365, 2011
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Articles 1–20