Katherine J Reynolds
Katherine J Reynolds
University of Melbourne; Australian National University
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Self-categorization theory
JC Turner, KJ Reynolds
Handbook of theories of social psychology 2, 399-417, 2012
The social identity perspective in intergroup relations: Theories, themes, and controversies
JC Turner, KJ Reynolds
Blackwell handbook of social psychology: Intergroup processes, 133-152, 2003
Social identity salience and the emergence of stereotype consensus
SA Haslam, PJ Oakes, KJ Reynolds, JC Turner
Personality and social psychology bulletin 25 (7), 809-818, 1999
The ASPIRe model: Actualizing social and personal identity resources to enhance organizational outcomes
SA Haslam, RA Eggins, KJ Reynolds
Journal of occupational and organizational psychology 76 (1), 83-113, 2003
The impact of school climate and school identification on academic achievement: Multilevel modeling with student and teacher data
S Maxwell, KJ Reynolds, E Lee, E Subasic, D Bromhead
Frontiers in psychology 8, 2069, 2017
The political solidarity model of social change: Dynamics of self-categorization in intergroup power relations
E Subašić, KJ Reynolds, JC Turner
Personality and Social Psychology Review 12 (4), 330-352, 2008
The story of social identity
JC Turner, K Reynolds
Rediscovering social identity: Key readings, 13-32, 2010
Assessing the impact of total quality management and organizational culture on multiple outcomes of care for coronary artery bypass graft surgery patients
SM Shortell, RH Jones, AW Rademaker, RR Gillies, DS Dranove, ...
Medical care 38 (2), 207-217, 2000
Opinion‐based group membership as a predictor of commitment to political action
AM Bliuc, C McGarty, K Reynolds, D Muntele
European journal of social psychology 37 (1), 19-32, 2007
The group as a basis for emergent stereotype consensus
SA Haslam, JC Turner, PJ Oakes, C McGarty, KJ Reynolds
European review of social psychology 8 (1), 203-239, 1997
When are we better than them and they worse than us? A closer look at social discrimination in positive and negative domains.
KJ Reynolds, JC Turner, SA Haslam
Journal of personality and social psychology 78 (1), 64, 2000
Prototypical similarity, self‐categorization, and depersonalized attraction: A perspective on group cohesiveness
MA Hogg, EA Hardie, KJ Reynolds
European Journal of Social Psychology 25 (2), 159-177, 1995
The role of the group in individual functioning: School identification and the psychological well‐being of staff and students
B Bizumic, KJ Reynolds, JC Turner, D Bromhead, E Subasic
Applied Psychology 58 (1), 171-192, 2009
The role of personality and group factors in explaining prejudice
KJ Reynolds, JC Turner, SA Haslam, MK Ryan
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 37 (5), 427-434, 2001
Well-being, school climate, and the social identity process: a latent growth model study of bullying perpetration and peer victimization.
I Turner, KJ Reynolds, E Lee, E Subasic, D Bromhead
School psychology quarterly 29 (3), 320, 2014
How does school climate impact academic achievement? An examination of social identity processes
KJ Reynolds, E Lee, I Turner, D Bromhead, E Subasic
School Psychology International 38 (1), 78-97, 2017
Social identity and the romance of leadership: The importance of being seen to be ‘doing it for us’
SA Haslam, MJ Platow, JC Turner, KJ Reynolds, C McGarty, PJ Oakes, ...
Group processes & intergroup relations 4 (3), 191-205, 2001
Why social dominance theory has been falsified
JC Turner, KJ Reynolds
British Journal of Social Psychology 42 (2), 199-206, 2003
Social identity and negotiation: Subgroup representation and superordinate consensus
RA Eggins, SA Haslam, KJ Reynolds
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 28 (7), 887-899, 2002
The problem of behaviour change: From social norms to an ingroup focus
KJ Reynolds, E Subašić, K Tindall
Social and Personality Psychology Compass 9 (1), 45-56, 2015
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