Sayo O. Fakayode
Sayo O. Fakayode
Professor of Chemistry, Georgia College and State University
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Detection of homocysteine and cysteine
W Wang, O Rusin, X Xu, KK Kim, JO Escobedo, SO Fakayode, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 127 (45), 15949-15958, 2005
Impact assessment of industrial effluent on water quality of the receiving Alaro River in Ibadan, Nigeria.
SO Fakayode
Heavy metal contamination of roadside topsoil in Osogbo, Nigeria: its relationship to traffic density and proximity to highways
SO Fakayode, BI Olu-Owolabi
Environmental Geology 44, 150-157, 2003
An organic white light-emitting fluorophore
Y Yang, M Lowry, CM Schowalter, SO Fakayode, JO Escobedo, X Xu, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 128 (43), 14081-14092, 2006
Determination of pharmacologically active compounds in root extracts of Cassia alata L. by use of high performance liquid chromatography
VE Fernand, DT Dinh, SJ Washington, SO Fakayode, JN Losso, ...
Talanta 74 (4), 896-902, 2008
Heavy metal contamination of soil, and bioaccumulation in Guinea grass (Panicum maximum) around Ikeja Industrial Estate, Lagos, Nigeria
S Fakayode, P Onianwa
Environmental geology 43, 145-150, 2002
Fluorescence, phosphorescence, and chemiluminescence
N Siraj, B El-Zahab, S Hamdan, TE Karam, LH Haber, M Li, SO Fakayode, ...
Analytical chemistry 88 (1), 170-202, 2016
Rhein inhibits angiogenesis and the viability of hormone-dependent and -independent cancer cells under normoxic or hypoxic conditions in vitro
VE Fernand, JN Losso, RE Truax, EE Villar, DK Bwambok, SO Fakayode, ...
Chemico-Biological Interactions 192 (3), 220-232, 2011
Delivery of phytochemical thymoquinone using molecular micelle modified poly (D, Llactide-co-glycolide)(PLGA) nanoparticles
GM Ganea, SO Fakayode, JN Losso, CF Van Nostrum, CM Sabliov, ...
Nanotechnology 21 (28), 285104, 2010
Lead contamination of topsoil and vegetation in the vicinity of a battery factory in Nigeria
PC Onianwa, SO Fakayode
Environmental Geochemistry and Health 22, 211-218, 2000
Lanthanide complexes as fluorescent indicators for neutral sugars and cancer biomarkers
O Alptürk, O Rusin, SO Fakayode, W Wang, JO Escobedo, IM Warner, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103 (26), 9756-9760, 2006
Promoting undergraduate STEM education at a historically black college and university through research experience
SO Fakayode, M Yakubu, OM Adeyeye, DA Pollard, AK Mohammed
Journal of Chemical Education 91 (5), 662-665, 2014
Synthesis and characterization of novel chiral ionic liquids and investigation of their enantiomeric recognition properties
DK Bwambok, HM Marwani, VE Fernand, SO Fakayode, M Lowry, ...
Chirality 20 (2), 151-158, 2008
Stereochemical and regiochemical trends in the selective detection of saccharides
S Jiang, JO Escobedo, KK Kim, O Alptürk, GK Samoei, SO Fakayode, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 128 (37), 12221-12228, 2006
Determination of adulterated neem and flaxseed oil compositions by FTIR spectroscopy and multivariate regression analysis
B Elzey, D Pollard, SO Fakayode
Food Control 68, 303-309, 2016
Trace metal content and estimated daily human intake from chicken eggs in Ibadan, Nigeria
SO Fakayode, IB Olu-Owolabi
Archives of Environmental Health: An International Journal 58 (4), 245-251, 2003
Determination of macro, essential trace elements, toxic heavy metal concentrations, crude oil extracts and ash composition from Saudi Arabian fruits and vegetables having …
HR Alzahrani, H Kumakli, E Ampiah, T Mehari, AJ Thornton, CM Babyak, ...
Arabian Journal of Chemistry 10 (7), 906-913, 2017
Molecular fluorescence, phosphorescence, and chemiluminescence spectrometry
S Das, AM Powe, GA Baker, B Valle, B El-Zahab, HO Sintim, M Lowry, ...
Analytical chemistry 84 (2), 597-625, 2012
Cyclodextrins host-guest chemistry in analytical and environmental chemistry
SO Fakayode, M Lowry, KA Fletcher, X Huang, AM Powe, IM Warner
Current Analytical Chemistry 3 (3), 171-181, 2007
Determination of the enantiomeric composition of some molecules of pharmaceutical interest by chemometric analysis of the UV spectra of guest–host complexes formed with …
SO Fakayode, IM Swamidoss, MA Busch, KW Busch
Talanta 65 (4), 838-845, 2005
En aquests moments el sistema no pot dur a terme l'operació. Torneu-ho a provar més tard.
Articles 1–20