Situated cognition and the culture of learning JS Brown, A Collins, P Duguid 1989 18 (1), 32-42, 1989 | 28387 | 1989 |
A spreading-activation theory of semantic processing. AM Collins, EF Loftus Psychological review 82 (6), 407, 1975 | 14086 | 1975 |
The cognitive structure of emotions A Ortony, GL Clore, A Collins Cambridge university press, 1990 | 11802* | 1990 |
Cognitive apprenticeship: Teaching the crafts of reading, writing, and mathematics JS Brown, A Collins, SE Newman Knowing, learning, and instruction: Essays in honor of Robert Glaser, 487, 1989 | 10902* | 1989 |
Retrieval time from semantic memory AM Collins, MR Quillian Journal of verbal learning and verbal behavior 8 (2), 240-247, 1969 | 6156 | 1969 |
Design research: Theoretical and methodological issues A Collins, D Joseph, K Bielaczyc Design-based research, 15-42, 2016 | 3776 | 2016 |
Cognition and learning JG Greeno, AM Collins, LB Resnick Handbook of educational psychology 77, 15-46, 1996 | 3267 | 1996 |
Cognitive apprenticeship: Making thinking visible A Collins, JS Brown, A Holum American educator 15 (3), 6-11, 1991 | 3181 | 1991 |
Rethinking education in the age of technology: The digital revolution and the schools A Collins, R Halverson New York: Teachers College, 1-11, 2009 | 3025* | 2009 |
Toward a design science of education A Collins New directions in educational technology, 15-22, 1992 | 2969 | 1992 |
A systems approach to educational testing JR Frederiksen, A Collins Educational researcher 18 (9), 27-32, 1989 | 1344 | 1989 |
Learning communities in classrooms: A reconceptualization of educational practice K Bielaczyc, A Collins Instructional design theories and models 2, 269-291, 1999 | 1242* | 1999 |
Cognitive apprenticeship A Collins, M Kapur na, 2006 | 1235 | 2006 |
Representation and understanding: Studies in cognitive science DG Bobrow, A Collins Academic Press, Inc., 1975 | 1180* | 1975 |
Cognitive apprenticeship and instructional technology A Collins Center for the Study of Reading Technical Report; no. 474, 1989 | 1175 | 1989 |
A schema-theoretic view of reading MJ Adams, A Collins Center for the Study of Reading Technical Report; no. 032, 1977 | 1034 | 1977 |
The role of computer technology in restructuring schools A Collins DOCUMENT RESUME, 31, 1990 | 801 | 1990 |
The second educational revolution: rethinking education in the age of technology A Collins, R Halverson Journal of computer assisted learning 26 (1), 18-27, 2010 | 752 | 2010 |
The computer as a tool for learning through reflection A Collins, JS Brown Learning issues for intelligent tutoring systems, 1-18, 1988 | 681 | 1988 |
How to make a language user. AM Collins, MR Quillian Academic Press, 1972 | 670 | 1972 |