Alex Smolyanskaya
Alex Smolyanskaya
Abl Schools
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A modality-specific feedforward component of choice-related activity in MT
A Smolyanskaya, RM Haefner, SG Lomber, RT Born
Neuron 87 (1), 208-219, 2015
Joint tuning for direction of motion and binocular disparity in macaque MT is largely separable
A Smolyanskaya, DA Ruff, RT Born
Journal of neurophysiology 110 (12), 2806-2816, 2013
Dramatic fertility decline in aging C. elegans males is associated with mating execution deficits rather than diminished sperm quality
I Chatterjee, C Ibanez-Ventoso, P Vijay, G Singaravelu, C Baldi, J Bair, ...
Experimental gerontology 48 (11), 1156-1166, 2013
Bottom-Up and Top-Down Input Augment the Variability of Cortical Neurons
RTB Camille Gómez-Laberge, Alexandra Smolyanskaya, Jonathan J. Nassi ...
Neuron, 2016
Attention is more than meets the eye
A Smolyanskaya, RT Born
Nature 489 (7416), 371-372, 2012
Attention is more than meets the eye: our brains focus on important events and filter out distracting ones. An investigation in monkeys reveals a surprising dissociation …
A Smolyanskaya, RT Born
Nature 486 (7416), 371-373, 2012
Dynamics of cortical decision circuits during changes in the fidelity of sensory representations
A Smolyanskaya
Harvard University, 2012
En aquests moments el sistema no pot dur a terme l'operació. Torneu-ho a provar més tard.
Articles 1–7