Kathryn Greenslade
Kathryn Greenslade
Assistant Professor of Communication Sciences and Disorders, University of New Hampshire
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The diagnostic accuracy and construct validity of the Structured Photographic Expressive Language Test—Preschool
KJ Greenslade, E Plante, R Vance
Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools 40 (2), 150-160, 2009
Main Concept, Sequencing, and Story Grammar Analyses of Cinderella Narratives in a Large Sample of Persons with Aphasia
JD Richardson, SG Dalton, KJ Greenslade, A Jacks, KL Haley, J Adams
Brain Sciences 11 (1), 110, 2021
Children with severe developmental disabilities and behavioral disorders have increased special healthcare needs
CH Kennedy, AP Juárez, A Becker, K Greenslade, MT Harvey, C Sullivan, ...
Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 49 (12), 926-930, 2007
Predictors of pragmatic communication in school-age siblings of children with ASD and low-risk controls
KJ Greenslade, EA Utter, RJ Landa
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 49, 1352-1365, 2019
Triadic gaze intervention for young children with physical disabilities
LB Olswang, P Dowden, J Feuerstein, K Greenslade, GL Pinder, ...
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 57 (5), 1740-1753, 2014
Implementation Research: Embracing Practitioners' Views
JL Feuerstein, LB Olswang, KJ Greenslade, P Dowden, GL Pinder, ...
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 61 (3), 645-657, 2018
Macrostructural Analyses of Cinderella Narratives in a Large Nonclinical Sample
KJ Greenslade, JEB Stuart, JD Richardson, SG Dalton, AE Ramage
American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 29 (4), 1923-1936, 2020
Brief report: an independent replication and extension of psychometric evidence supporting the theory of mind inventory
KJ Greenslade, TE Coggins
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 46 (8), 2785-2790, 2016
Moving Triadic Gaze Intervention into Practice: Measuring Clinician Attitude and Implementation Fidelity
J Feuerstein, LB Olswang, K Greenslade, GL Pinder, P Dowden, ...
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 60 (5), 1285-1298, 2017
Spectral modulation transfer functions in cochlear implant listeners
A Saoji, L Litvak, G Emadi, T Spahr, K Greenslade
Poster presented at the Conference on Implantable Auditory Prostheses …, 2005
Story Grammar Analyses Capture Discourse Improvement in the First 2 Years Following a Severe Traumatic Brain Injury
KJ Greenslade, E Bogart, J Gyory, S Jaskolka, AE Ramage
American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 33 (2), 1004-1020, 2024
Using Analog Tasks to Assess Children's Social Communication Skills
KJ Greenslade
Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups 6 (1), 39-54, 2021
Assessing young children's intention‐reading in authentic communicative contexts: preliminary evidence and clinical utility
KJ Greenslade, TE Coggins
International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders 49 (4), 463-477, 2014
Preliminary evidence supporting the clinical utility of an Analog Task of Prosocial Helping
KJ Greenslade, TE Coggins
International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders 57 (4), 782-795, 2022
The art and science of assessing prosocial behaviors in children with and without autism spectrum disorder
KJ Greenslade
The vague language use scale: Clinical utility and psychometrics from adults with traumatic brain injury
KJ Greenslade, JK Bushell, EF Dillon, AE Ramage
International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders 60 (1), e13130, 2025
Discourse-Level Communication Success in Aphasia: Unveiling Its Significance through Observer's Ratings
AE Ramage, AL Rowe, KJ Greenslade
Seminars in Speech and Language, 2024
Narrative analysis in individuals with Parkinson’s disease following intensive voice treatment: secondary outcome variables from a randomized controlled trial
AE Ramage, KJ Greenslade, K Cote, JN Lee, CM Fox, A Halpern, ...
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 18, 1394948, 2024
Wishes, beliefs, and jealousy: use of mental state terms in Cinderella retells after traumatic brain injury
KJ Greenslade, C Honan, L Harrington, L Kenealy, AE Ramage, E Bogart
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 18, 1386227, 2024
Assessing Impaired Macrostructures in Discourse Production of Persons with Aphasia
JD Richardson, SGH Dalton, KJ Greenslade
Spoken Discourse Impairments in the Neurogenic Populations: A State-of-the …, 2024
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