Anthony Legon
Anthony Legon
Professor of Physical Chemistry, University of Bristol
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Definition of the hydrogen bond (IUPAC Recommendations 2011)
E Arunan, GR Desiraju, RA Klein, J Sadlej, S Scheiner, I Alkorta, DC Clary, ...
Pure and applied chemistry 83 (8), 1637-1641, 2011
Definition of the halogen bond (IUPAC Recommendations 2013)
GR Desiraju, PS Ho, L Kloo, AC Legon, R Marquardt, P Metrangolo, ...
Pure and applied chemistry 85 (8), 1711-1713, 2013
Defining the hydrogen bond: An account (IUPAC Technical Report)
E Arunan, GR Desiraju, RA Klein, J Sadlej, S Scheiner, I Alkorta, DC Clary, ...
Pure and Applied Chemistry 83 (8), 1619-1636, 2011
Prereactive complexes of dihalogens XY with Lewis bases B in the gas phase: a systematic case for the halogen analogue B⋅⋅⋅ XY of the hydrogen bond B⋅⋅⋅ HX
AC Legon
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 38 (18), 2686-2714, 1999
The halogen bond: an interim perspective
AC Legon
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 12 (28), 7736-7747, 2010
Halogen bonding: a new interaction for liquid crystal formation
HL Nguyen, PN Horton, MB Hursthouse, AC Legon, DW Bruce
Journal of the American Chemical Society 126 (1), 16-17, 2004
Definition of the chalcogen bond (IUPAC Recommendations 2019)
CB Aakeroy, DL Bryce, GR Desiraju, A Frontera, AC Legon, F Nicotra, ...
Pure and Applied Chemistry 91 (11), 1889-1892, 2019
Gas-phase spectroscopy and the properties of hydrogen-bonded dimers. HCN. cntdot.. cntdot.. cntdot. HF as the spectroscopic prototype
AC Legon, DJ Millen
Chemical Reviews 86 (3), 635-657, 1986
Angular geometries and other properties of hydrogen-bonded dimers: A simple electrostatic interpretation of the success of the electron-pair model
AC Legon, DJ Millen
Chemical Society Reviews 16, 467-498, 1987
Determination of properties of hydrogen-bonded dimers by rotational spectroscopy and a classfication of dimer geometries
AC Legon, DJ Millen
Faraday Discussions of the Chemical Society 73, 71-87, 1982
Directional character, strength, and nature of the hydrogen bond in gas-phase dimers
AC Legon, DJ Millen
Accounts of Chemical Research 20 (1), 39-46, 1987
Equilibrium conformations of four-and five-membered cyclic molecules in the gas phase: determination and classification
AC Legon
Chemical Reviews 80 (3), 231-262, 1980
Spectroscopic investigations of hydrogen bonding interactions in the gas phase. I. The determination of the geometry, dissociation energy, potential constants and electric …
AC Legon, DJ Millen, SC Rogers
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. A. Mathematical and Physical …, 1980
Tetrel, pnictogen and chalcogen bonds identified in the gas phase before they had names: A systematic look at non-covalent interactions
AC Legon
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19 (23), 14884-14896, 2017
The rotational spectrum and molecular structure of the acetylene–HCl dimer
AC Legon, PD Aldrich, WH Flygare
The Journal of Chemical Physics 75 (2), 625-630, 1981
Pulsed-nozzle, Fourier-transform microwave spectroscopy of weakly bound dimers
AC Legon
Annual Review of Physical Chemistry 34 (1), 275-300, 1983
π‐Electron “Donor–Acceptor” Complexes B⋅⋅⋅ ClF and the Existence of the “Chlorine Bond”
AC Legon
Chemistry–A European Journal 4 (10), 1890-1897, 1998
Hydrogen bonding as a probe of electron densities: Limiting gas-phase nucleophilicities and electrophilicities of B and HX
AC Legon, DJ Millen
Journal of the American Chemical Society 109 (2), 356-358, 1987
The nature of ammonium and methylammonium halides in the vapour phase: hydrogen bonding versus proton transfer
AC Legon
Chemical Society Reviews 22 (3), 153-163, 1993
The rotational spectrum, H, 19F nuclear spin–nuclear spin coupling, D nuclear quadrupole coupling, and molecular geometry of a weakly bound dimer of carbon …
AC Legon, PD Soper, WH Flygare
The Journal of Chemical Physics 74 (9), 4944-4950, 1981
En aquests moments el sistema no pot dur a terme l'operació. Torneu-ho a provar més tard.
Articles 1–20