Robert Folger
Robert Folger
Professor of Management, University of Central Florida
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Effects of procedural and distributive justice on reactions to pay raise decisions
R Folger, MA Konovsky
Academy of Management journal 32 (1), 115-130, 1989
Retaliation in the workplace: The roles of distributive, procedural, and interactional justice.
DP Skarlicki, R Folger
Journal of applied Psychology 82 (3), 434, 1997
Organizational justice and human resource management
RG Folger, R Folger, R Cropanzano
Sage, 1998
Distributive and procedural justice: Combined impact of voice and improvement on experienced inequity.
R Folger
Journal of personality and social psychology 35 (2), 108, 1977
Procedural justice
R Folger, J Greenberg
Research in personnel and human resources management 3, 141-183, 1985
Fairness theory: Justice as accountability
R Folger, R Cropanzano
Advances in organizational justice 1 (1-55), 12, 2001
The relationship between ethical leadership and core job characteristics
RF Piccolo, R Greenbaum, DN Hartog, R Folger
Journal of organizational behavior 31 (2‐3), 259-278, 2010
Personality as a moderator in the relationship between fairness and retaliation
DP Skarlicki, R Folger, P Tesluk
Academy of management journal 42 (1), 100-108, 1999
Interactive effects of procedural justice and outcome negativity on victims and survivors of job loss
J Brockner, M Konovsky, R Cooper-Schneider, R Folger, C Martin, ...
Academy of management Journal 37 (2), 397-409, 1994
Procedural justice, participation, and the fair process effect in groups and organizations
J Greenberg, R Folger
Basic group processes, 235-256, 1983
Rethinking equity theory: A referent cognitions model
R Folger
Justice in social relations, 145-162, 1986
Fairness as deonance
R Folger, SW Gilliland, DD Steiner, DP Skarlicki
Theoretical and cultural perspectives on organizational justice, 3-33, 2001
A due process metaphor for performance appraisal
R Folger, MA Konovsky, R Cropanzano
Research in organizational behavior 14, 129-129, 1992
Procedural justice and worker motivation
R Cropanzano, R Folger
Motivation and work behavior 5 (131143), 317372, 1991
Referent cognitions and task decision autonomy: Beyond equity theory.
R Cropanzano, R Folger
Journal of applied psychology 74 (2), 293, 1989
Deontic justice: The role of moral principles in workplace fairness
R Cropanzano, B Goldman, R Folger
Journal of organizational behavior, 1019-1024, 2003
Unfairness and resistance to change: Hardship as mistreatment
R Folger, DP Skarlicki
Journal of organizational change management 12 (1), 35-50, 1999
Is virtue its own reward? Self-sacrificial decisions for the sake of fairness
CJ Turillo, R Folger, JJ Lavelle, EE Umphress, JO Gee
Organizational behavior and human decision processes 89 (1), 839-865, 2002
HRM and service fairness: How being fair with employees spills over to customers
DE Bowen, SW Gilliland, R Folger
Organizational Dynamics 27 (3), 7-23, 1999
Reformulating the preconditions of resentment: A referent cognitions model.
R Folger
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc, 1987
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