Maurício Verícimo
Maurício Verícimo
Professor Associado do Depto. Imunobiologia
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Anticancer and Immunomodulatory Benefits of Taro (Colocasia esculenta) Corms, an Underexploited Tuber Crop
P Ribeiro Pereira, É Bertozzi de Aquino Mattos, ...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22 (1), 265, 2020
Crude extract from taro (Colocasia esculenta) as a natural source of bioactive proteins able to stimulate haematopoietic cells in two murine models
PR Pereira, JT Silva, MA Verícimo, VMF Paschoalin, GAPB Teixeira
Journal of functional foods 18, 333-343, 2015
Structural analysis and binding properties of isoforms of tarin, the GNA-related lectin from Colocasia esculenta
PR Pereira, HC Winter, MA Verícimo, JL Meagher, JA Stuckey, ...
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Proteins and Proteomics 1854 (1), 20-30, 2015
Tarin, a Potential Immunomodulator and COX‐Inhibitor Lectin Found in Taro (Colocasia esculenta)
PR Pereira, ACNTF Corrêa, MA Vericimo, VMF Paschoalin
Comprehensive reviews in food science and food safety 17 (4), 878-891, 2018
Encrypted antimicrobial and antitumoral peptides recovered from a protein-rich soybean (Glycine max) by-product
CS Freitas, MA Vericimo, ML da Silva, GCV da Costa, PR Pereira, ...
Journal of Functional Foods 54, 187-198, 2019
Short-term betanin intake reduces oxidative stress in wistar rats
DVT da Silva, ADA Pereira, GT Boaventura, RSA Ribeiro, MA Verícimo, ...
Nutrients 11 (9), 1978, 2019
Purification and Characterization of the Lectin from Taro (Colocasia esculenta) and Its Effect on Mouse Splenocyte Proliferation In Vitro and In Vivo
PR Pereira, EM Del Aguila, MA Verícimo, RB Zingali, VMF Paschoalin, ...
The protein journal 33, 92-99, 2014
Interaction of Mycobacterium leprae with the HaCaT human keratinocyte cell line: new frontiers in the cellular immunology of leprosy
ECD Lyrio, IC Campos‐Souza, LCD Corrêa, GC Lechuga, M Verícimo, ...
Experimental dermatology 24 (7), 536-542, 2015
A new 2S albumin from Jatropha curcas L. seeds and assessment of its allergenic properties
FM Maciel, MA Laberty, ND Oliveira, SP Felix, AM dos Santos Soares, ...
Peptides 30 (12), 2103-2107, 2009
Cross-sectional study of serum reactivity to Anisakis simplex in healthy adults in Niterói, Brazil
IF Junior, MA Vericimo, LR Cardoso, SCS Clemente, ER Do Nascimento, ...
Acta parasitologica 58, 399-404, 2013
Frequency of natural regulatory CD4+ CD25+ T lymphocytes determines the outcome of tolerance across fully mismatched MHC barrier through linked recognition of self and …
R Fucs, JT Jesus, PHN Souza Junior, L Franco, M Verícimo, M Bellio, ...
The Journal of Immunology 176 (4), 2324-2329, 2006
Liposomal taro lectin nanocapsules control human glioblastoma and mammary adenocarcinoma cell proliferation
AC Corrêa, MA Vericimo, A Dashevskiy, PR Pereira, VMF Paschoalin
Molecules 24 (3), 471, 2019
Atividades terapêuticas do óleo essencial de melaleuca (melaleuca alternifolia) Uma revisão de literatura
LL da Silva, R de Almeida, MA Verícimo, HW de Macedo, HC Castro
Brazilian Journal of health review 2 (6), 6011-6021, 2019
Anti-leishmanial activity of Brazilian green, brown, and red algae
MLF Lira, R Lopes, AP Gomes, G Barcellos, M Verícimo, K Osako, ...
Journal of applied phycology 28, 591-598, 2016
Mapping IgE-binding epitopes of Ric c 1 and Ric c 3, allergens from Ricinus communis, by mast cell degranulation assay
SP Felix, RO Mayerhoffer, RA Damatta, MA Verícimo, VV Nascimento, ...
Peptides 29 (4), 497-504, 2008
Immunogenic activity of the fish tapeworm Pterobothrium heteracanthum (Trypanorhyncha: Pterobothriidae) in BALB/c mice
D Mattos, MA Verícimo, LMS Lopes, SC São Clemente
Journal of Helminthology 89 (2), 203-207, 2015
Increased apoptosis during the early phase of experimental paracoccidioidomycosis as a phenotypic marker of resistance
MA Verícimo, KM França, ACV Arnholdt, TL Kipnis
Microbes and infection 8 (12-13), 2811-2820, 2006
Tarin stimulates granulocyte growth in bone marrow cell cultures and minimizes immunosuppression by cyclo-phosphamide in mice
LAD Mérida, ÉBA Mattos, AC Corrêa, PR Pereira, VMF Paschoalin, ...
PLoS One 13 (11), e0206240, 2018
Epicutaneous sensitization with nematode antigens of fish parasites results in the production of specific IgG and IgE
G Fontenelle, M Knoff, MA Verícimo, SC São Clemente
Journal of helminthology 92 (4), 403-409, 2018
O pescado e os cestóides Trypanorhyncha–do aspecto higiênico ao potencial alergênico
D Mattos, MA Verícimo, SC São Clemente
Veterinária Notícias 19 (2), 127-139, 2013
En aquests moments el sistema no pot dur a terme l'operació. Torneu-ho a provar més tard.
Articles 1–20