Michael Datko
Michael Datko
Research Scientist, Instructor in Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School
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Patterns of atypical functional connectivity and behavioral links in autism differ between default, salience, and executive networks
AE Abbott, A Nair, CL Keown, M Datko, A Jahedi, I Fishman, RA Müller
Cerebral cortex 26 (10), 4034-4045, 2016
Cerebro-cerebellar resting-state functional connectivity in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder
AJ Khan, A Nair, CL Keown, MC Datko, AJ Lincoln, RA Müller
Biological psychiatry 78 (9), 625-634, 2015
Network organization is globally atypical in autism: a graph theory study of intrinsic functional connectivity
CL Keown, MC Datko, CP Chen, JO Maximo, A Jahedi, RA Müller
Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging 2 (1), 66-75, 2017
Underconnected, but not broken? Dynamic functional connectivity MRI shows underconnectivity in autism is linked to increased intra-individual variability across time
M Falahpour, WK Thompson, AE Abbott, A Jahedi, ME Mulvey, M Datko, ...
Brain connectivity 6 (5), 403-414, 2016
Impact of methodological variables on functional connectivity findings in autism spectrum disorders
A Nair, CL Keown, M Datko, P Shih, B Keehn, RA Müller
Human brain mapping 35 (8), 4035-4048, 2014
Regional specificity of aberrant thalamocortical connectivity in autism
A Nair, RA Carper, AE Abbott, CP Chen, S Solders, S Nakutin, MC Datko, ...
Human brain mapping 36 (11), 4497-4511, 2015
Reduced integration and differentiation of the imitation network in autism: A combined functional connectivity magnetic resonance imaging and diffusion‐weighted imaging study
I Fishman, M Datko, Y Cabrera, RA Carper, RA Müller
Annals of neurology 78 (6), 958-969, 2015
A prolyl-isomerase mediates dopamine-dependent plasticity and cocaine motor sensitization
JM Park, JH Hu, A Milshteyn, PW Zhang, CG Moore, S Park, MC Datko, ...
Cell 154 (3), 637-650, 2013
Default mode-visual network hypoconnectivity in an autism subtype with pronounced social visual engagement difficulties
MV Lombardo, L Eyler, A Moore, M Datko, C Carter Barnes, D Cha, ...
elife 8, e47427, 2019
Positive effects of neurofeedback on autism symptoms correlate with brain activation during imitation and observation
M Datko, JA Pineda, RA Müller
European Journal of Neuroscience 47 (6), 579-591, 2018
Quitting starts in the brain: a randomized controlled trial of app-based mindfulness shows decreases in neural responses to smoking cues that predict reductions in smoking
AC Janes, M Datko, A Roy, B Barton, S Druker, C Neal, K Ohashi, ...
Neuropsychopharmacology 44 (9), 1631-1638, 2019
Self-regulation of brain oscillations as a treatment for aberrant brain connections in children with autism
JA Pineda, A Juavinett, M Datko
Medical hypotheses 79 (6), 790-798, 2012
Increased insula response to interoceptive attention following mindfulness training is associated with increased body trusting among patients with depression
M Datko, J Lutz, R Gawande, A Comeau, MN To, T Desel, J Gan, ...
Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging 327, 111559, 2022
Behavioral and neurochemical phenotyping of mice incapable of Homer1a induction
MC Datko, JH Hu, M Williams, CM Reyes, KD Lominac, G Von Jonquieres, ...
Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience 11, 208, 2017
Author's Accepted Manuscript
MA Khan
Resting state functional connectivity MRI among spectral MEG current sources in children on the autism spectrum
M Datko, R Gougelet, MX Huang, JA Pineda
Frontiers in Neuroscience 10, 258, 2016
The effects of combined respiratory-gated auricular vagal afferent nerve stimulation and mindfulness meditation for chronic low back pain: a pilot study
SM Meints, RG Garcia, Z Schuman-Olivier, M Datko, G Desbordes, ...
Pain Medicine 23 (9), 1570-1581, 2022
Rationale for neurofeedback training in children with Autism
JA Pineda, A Juavinett, M Datko
Comprehensive guide to Autism, 439-460, 2014
Differences in regional brain structure in toddlers with autism are related to future language outcomes
K Duan, L Eyler, K Pierce, MV Lombardo, M Datko, DJ Hagler, V Taluja, ...
Nature communications 15 (1), 5075, 2024
In Vivo Molecular Imaging of Neuroinflammation in Patients with Migraine
H Housman, L Brusaferri, M Datko, S Tohyama, K Round, RGG Gomez, ...
The Journal of Pain 23 (5), 44, 2022
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Articles 1–20