Chris Lowery
Chris Lowery
Professor of Management, Georgia College
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The impact of human resource information systems: An exploratory study in the public sector
NA Beadles II, CM Lowery, K Johns
Communications of the IIMA 5 (4), 6, 2005
Relationships between organizational culture and organizational performance
MM Petty, NA Beadles, DF Chapman, CM Lowery, DW Connell
Psychological Reports 76 (2), 483-492, 1995
Note on the relationships among job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and organizational citizenship behavior
CM Lowery, NA Beadles, TJ Krilowicz
Psychological Reports 91 (2), 607-617, 2002
Relationships among nontask behaviors, rated performance, and objective performance measures
CM Lowery, TJ Krilowicz
Psychological Reports 74 (2), 571-578, 1994
An examination of the relationships between turnover functionality, turnover frequency, and organizational performance
NA Beadles, CM Lowery, MM Petty, H Ezell
Journal of Business and Psychology 15, 331-337, 2000
A research note on the relationships among spirituality, contextual variables, and perceptions of ethics in the workplace
CM Lowery, RJ Duesing, NA Beadles
Journal of Managerial Issues, 408-423, 2014
Assessing the Merit of Merit Pay: Employee Reactions to Performance-Based Pay.
CM Lowery, MM Petty, JW Thompson
Human Resource Planning 19 (1), 1996
Employee perceptions of the effectiveness of a performance-based pay program in a large public utility
CM Lowery, MM Petty, JW Thompson
Public Personnel Management 24 (4), 475-492, 1995
The impact of organizational citizenship behavior on the performance appraisal process: A cross-cultural study
TJ Krilowicz, CM Lowery
International Journal of Management 13, 94-100, 1996
An empirical examination of a merit bonus plan
CM Lowery, NA Beadles, MM Petty, GM Amsler, JW Thompson
Journal of Managerial Issues, 100-117, 2002
Using personality and cognitive ability to predict job performance: An empirical study
CM Lowery, NA Beadles Ii, TJ Krilowicz
International Journal of Management 21 (3), 300, 2004
YQM's human resource component
CM Lowery, NA Beadles II, JB Carpenter
Quality Progress 33 (2), 55, 2000
The quality movement from six perspectives
WJ Miller, RJ Duesing, CM Lowery, AT Sumner
The TQM Journal 30 (3), 182-196, 2018
Effects of organizational citizenship behaviours: evidence from production supervisors
CM Lowery, TJ Krilowicz
International journal of selection and assessment 4 (1), 18-23, 1996
Self-selection into degree programs: Differences in preferred learning styles between online students and traditional students
N Beadles, C Lowery
Academy of Educational Leadership Journal 11 (2), 103-112, 2007
Evaluation of personality measures for the selection of textile employees
TJ Krilowicz, CM Lowery
Journal of Business and Psychology 11, 55-61, 1996
Union election activity in the health care industry
C Scott, CM Lowery
Health Care Management Review 19 (1), 18-27, 1994
Antecedents of union support in the United States hospitality industry
CM Lowery, NA Beadles, WJ Miller
Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality & Tourism 18 (3), 275-298, 2019
Differences between work-related ethics and non-work ethics, and the effects of religiosity
CM Lowery, NA Beadles
Journal of Managerial Issues, 421-435, 2009
The Student Evaluation of Teaching: Let’s Be Honest–Who Is Telling The Truth?
SR Cox, MK Rickard, CM Lowery
Marketing Education Review 32 (1), 82-93, 2022
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