Christopher M. Grindrod
Christopher M. Grindrod
Clinical Assistant Professor, Communication Sciences & Disorders, Purdue University Fort Wayne
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Irony comprehension and theory of mind deficits in patients with Parkinson's disease
L Monetta, CM Grindrod, MD Pell
cortex 45 (8), 972-981, 2009
The role of the left inferior frontal gyrus in implicit semantic competition and selection: An event-related fMRI study
CM Grindrod, NY Bilenko, EB Myers, SE Blumstein
Brain research 1229, 167-178, 2008
Sensitivity to local sentence context information in lexical ambiguity resolution: Evidence from left-and right-hemisphere-damaged individuals
CM Grindrod, SR Baum
Brain and Language 85 (3), 503-523, 2003
Neural correlates of semantic competition during processing of ambiguous words
NY Bilenko, CM Grindrod, EB Myers, SE Blumstein
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 21 (5), 960-975, 2008
Hemispheric contributions to lexical ambiguity resolution in a discourse context: Evidence from individuals with unilateral left and right hemisphere lesions
CM Grindrod, SR Baum
Brain and cognition 57 (1), 70-83, 2005
Effects of working memory capacity on inference generation during story comprehension in adults with Parkinson's disease
L Monetta, CM Grindrod, MD Pell
Journal of Neurolinguistics 21 (5), 400-417, 2008
The role of spectral and durational properties on hemispheric asymmetries in vowel perception
B Britton, SE Blumstein, EB Myers, C Grindrod
Neuropsychologia 47 (4), 1096-1106, 2009
Auditory motor integration in oral and manual effectors
TMJ Loucks, E Ofori, CM Grindrod, LF De Nil, JJ Sosnoff
Journal of Motor Behavior 42 (4), 233-239, 2010
Age-related changes in processing speed modulate context use during idiomatic ambiguity resolution
CM Grindrod, AL Raizen
Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition 26 (6), 842-864, 2019
Effects of representational distance between meanings on the neural correlates of semantic ambiguity
CM Grindrod, EO Garnett, S Malyutina, DB den Ouden
Brain and language 139, 23-35, 2014
Effects of left and right hemisphere damage on sensitivity to global context during lexical ambiguity resolution
CM Grindrod
Aphasiology 26 (7), 933-952, 2012
Sentence context effects and the timecourse of lexical ambiguity resolution in nonfluent aphasia.
CM Grindrod, SR Baum
Brain and cognition 48 (2-3), 381-385, 2002
Clinical applications of linguistics to speech-language pathology: A guide for clinicians
N Gurevich, C Grindrod
Taylor & Francis, 2022
Inference generation ability during story comprehension in adults with Parkinson’s disease
L Monetta, CM Grindrod, MD Pell
Brain and Language 99 (1-2), 118-119, 2006
Contextual variability of word meaning: implications for the treatment of acquired language disorders
CM Grindrod
Clinical Applications of Linguistics to Speech-Language Pathology: A Guide …, 2022
Differential effects of left-and right-hemisphere brain damage on the ability to use context in lexical ambiguity resolution
CM Grindrod
McGill University, 2004
Context use as the source of right-hemisphere-damaged individuals' impairment in lexical ambiguity resolution
CM Grindrod, SR Baum
BRAIN AND LANGUAGE 83 (1), 65-68, 2002
Forthcoming issue
S Della Sala, J Grafman, R Bastiaanse, KL Leenders, AL Bartels, J Koerts, ...
Aphasiology, Volume 26, Author Index
I Aichert, CM Allen, HY Anjarningsih, SM Antonucci, H Arendzen, L Attout, ...
Burns 1001, 673, 0
En aquests moments el sistema no pot dur a terme l'operació. Torneu-ho a provar més tard.
Articles 1–19