Prof Robert ('Bob') G Gilbert
Prof Robert ('Bob') G Gilbert
Yangzhou University, University of Queensland
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Theory of unimolecular and recombination reactions
RG Gilbert, SC Smith
(No Title), 1990
Polyaniline. Preparation of a conducting polymer (IUPAC technical report)
J Stejskal, RG Gilbert
Pure and applied chemistry 74 (5), 857-867, 2002
Emulsion polymerization: a mechanistic approach
RG Gilbert
Academic press, 1995
Critically evaluated rate coefficients for free‐radical polymerization, 1. Propagation rate coefficient for styrene
M Buback, RG Gilbert, RA Hutchinson, B Klumperman, FD Kuchta, ...
Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 196 (10), 3267-3280, 1995
Theory of thermal unimolecular reactions in the fall‐off range. II. Weak collision rate constants
RG Gilbert, K Luther, J Troe
Berichte der Bunsengesellschaft für physikalische Chemie 87 (2), 169-177, 1983
The concept and need for a phosphorus assessment tool
JL Lemunyon, RG Gilbert
Journal of production agriculture 6 (4), 483-486, 1993
Ab initio emulsion polymerization by RAFT-controlled self-assembly
CJ Ferguson, RJ Hughes, D Nguyen, BTT Pham, RG Gilbert, AK Serelis, ...
Macromolecules 38 (6), 2191-2204, 2005
Critically evaluated rate coefficients for free‐radical polymerization, 2.. Propagation rate coefficients for methyl methacrylate
S Beuermann, M Buback, TP Davis, RG Gilbert, RA Hutchinson, OF Olaj, ...
Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 198 (5), 1545-1560, 1997
Structure and physicochemical properties of octenyl succinic anhydride modified starches: A review
MC Sweedman, MJ Tizzotti, C Schäfer, RG Gilbert
Carbohydrate polymers 92 (1), 905-920, 2013
Emulsion polymerization: State of the art in kinetics and mechanisms
SC Thickett, RG Gilbert
Polymer 48 (24), 6965-6991, 2007
The importance of amylose and amylopectin fine structure for textural properties of cooked rice grains
H Li, S Prakash, TM Nicholson, MA Fitzgerald, RG Gilbert
Food chemistry 196, 702-711, 2016
Effective ab initio emulsion polymerization under RAFT control
CJ Ferguson, RJ Hughes, BTT Pham, BS Hawkett, RG Gilbert, AK Serelis, ...
Macromolecules 35 (25), 9243-9245, 2002
Molecular Weight Characterization of Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) Prepared by Living Free-Radical Polymerization
F Ganachaud, MJ Monteiro, RG Gilbert, MA Dourges, SH Thang, ...
Macromolecules 33 (18), 6738-6745, 2000
Critically Evaluated Rate Coefficients for Free‐Radical Polymerization, 5,
JM Asua, S Beuermann, M Buback, P Castignolles, B Charleux, ...
Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 205 (16), 2151-2160, 2004
Digestion of starch: In vivo and in vitro kinetic models used to characterise oligosaccharide or glucose release
AC Dona, G Pages, RG Gilbert, PW Kuchel
Carbohydrate Polymers 80 (3), 599-617, 2010
Entry of free radicals into latex particles in emulsion polymerization
IA Maxwell, BR Morrison, DH Napper, RG Gilbert
Macromolecules 24 (7), 1629-1640, 1991
Trickle irrigation water quality and preventive maintenance
DA Bucks, FS Nakayama, RG Gilbert
Agricultural Water Management 2 (2), 149-162, 1979
Terminology of polymers and polymerization processes in dispersed systems (IUPAC Recommendations 2011)
S Slomkowski, JV Alemán, RG Gilbert, M Hess, K Horie, RG Jones, ...
Pure and Applied Chemistry 83 (12), 2229-2259, 2011
Characterization of starch by size-exclusion chromatography: The limitations imposed by shear scission
RA Cave, SA Seabrook, MJ Gidley, RG Gilbert
Biomacromolecules 10 (8), 2245-2253, 2009
The importance of amylose and amylopectin fine structures for starch digestibility in cooked rice grains
ZA Syahariza, S Sar, J Hasjim, MJ Tizzotti, RG Gilbert
Food chemistry 136 (2), 742-749, 2013
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Articles 1–20