Anna Laurinavichyute
Anna Laurinavichyute
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Russian Sentence Corpus: Benchmark measures of eye movements in reading in Russian
AK Laurinavichyute, IA Sekerina, S Alexeeva, K Bagdasaryan, R Kliegl
Behavior research methods 51 (3), 1161-1178, 2019
Share the code, not just the data: A case study of the reproducibility of articles published in the Journal of Memory and Language under the open data policy
A Laurinavichyute, H Yadav, S Vasishth
Journal of Memory and Language 125, 104332, 2022
The mental representation of polysemy across word classes
A Lopukhina, A Laurinavichyute, K Lopukhin, O Dragoy
Frontiers in psychology 9, 192, 2018
The contribution of working memory to language comprehension: differential effect of aphasia type
MV Ivanova, OV Dragoy, SV Kuptsova, AS Ulicheva, AK Laurinavichyute
Aphasiology 29 (6), 645-664, 2015
Retrieval and encoding interference: cross-linguistic evidence from anaphor processing
A Laurinavichyute, LA Jäger, Y Akinina, J Roß, O Dragoy
Frontiers in Psychology 8, 965, 2017
Semantic attraction in sentence comprehension
A Laurinavichyute, T von der Malsburg
Cognitive Science 46 (2), e13086, 2022
Eye-movement benchmarks in Heritage Language reading
O Parshina, AK Laurinavichyute, IA Sekerina
Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 24 (1), 69-82, 2021
A Multifaceted Approach to Semantic, Statistical, and Psycholinguistic Analysis of Lexical Polysemy
V Apresjan, Y Apresyan, OV Dragoy, B Yomdin, A Laurinavichyute, ...
Russkaya Rech’, 8-17, 2019
Complex phonological tasks predict reading in 7 to 11 years of age typically developing Russian children
SV Dorofeeva, A Laurinavichyute, V Reshetnikova, TV Akhutina, W Tops, ...
Journal of Research in Reading 43 (4), 516-535, 2020
Agreement attraction in grammatical sentences and the role of the task
A Laurinavichyute, T von der Malsburg
Journal of Memory and Language 137, 104525, 2024
Comprehension of reversible constructions in semantic aphasia
O Dragoy, M Bergelson, E Iskra, A Laurinavichyute, E Mannova, ...
Aphasiology 30 (1), 1-22, 2016
Number agreement attraction in Czech and English comprehension: A direct experimental comparison
J Chromý, JL Brand, A Laurinavichyute, R Lacina, J Chromý, J Brand, ...
Glossa Psycholinguistics 2 (1), 2023
Morphosyntactic but not lexical corpus-based probabilities can substitute for cloze probabilities in reading experiments
A Lopukhina, K Lopukhin, A Laurinavichyute
Plos one 16 (1), e0246133, 2021
No evidence for strategic nature of age-related slowing in sentence processing.
S Malyutina, A Laurinavichyute, M Terekhina, Y Lapin
Psychology and aging 33 (7), 1045, 2018
Processing lexical ambiguity in sentential context: Eye-tracking data from brain-damaged and non-brain-damaged individuals
AK Laurinavichyute, A Ulicheva, MV Ivanova, SV Kuptsova, O Dragoy
Neuropsychologia 64, 360-373, 2014
Is there cross-linguistic evidence for proactive cue-based retrieval interference in sentence comprehension? Eye-tracking data from English, German and Russian
D Mertzen, A Laurinavichyute, B Dillon, R Engbert, S Vasishth
PsyArXiv, 2020
Reliance on semantic and structural heuristics in sentence comprehension across the lifespan
A Lopukhina, A Laurinavichyute, S Malyutina, G Ryazanskaya, ...
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 75 (7), 1367-1381, 2022
What Eye Movements Can and Cannot Tell Us About Wh-Movement and Scrambling
IA Sekerina, AK Laurinavichyute, O Dragoy
Grammatical Approaches to Language Processing: Essays in Honor of Lyn …, 2019
Crosslinguistic evidence against interference from extra-sentential distractors
D Mertzen, A Laurinavichyute, BW Dillon, R Engbert, S Vasishth
Heritage speakers can actively shape not only their grammar but also their processing
IA Sekerina, AK Laurinavichyute
Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 23 (1), 43-45, 2020
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Articles 1–20