Vicenç Mendez
Vicenç Mendez
Professor of Physics. Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
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Reaction-transport systems: mesoscopic foundations, fronts, and spatial instabilities
V Mendez, S Fedotov, W Horsthemke
Springer Science & Business Media, 2010
Stochastic foundations in movement ecology
V Méndez, D Campos, F Bartumeus
Springer-Verlag Berlin An, 2016
Time-delayed theory of the Neolithic transition in Europe
J Fort, V Méndez
Physical review letters 82 (4), 867, 1999
Wavefronts in time-delayed reaction-diffusion systems. Theory and comparisonto experiment
J Fort, V Méndez
Reports on Progress in Physics 65 (6), 895, 2002
Time-delayed spread of viruses in growing plaques
J Fort, V Méndez
Physical review letters 89 (17), 178101, 2002
Foraging success under uncertainty: search tradeoffs and optimal space use
F Bartumeus, D Campos, WS Ryu, R Lloret‐Cabot, V Méndez, J Catalan
Ecology letters 19 (11), 1299-1313, 2016
Hyperbolic reaction-diffusion equations for a forest fire model
V Méndez, JE Llebot
Physical Review E 56 (6), 6557, 1997
Cosmological solutions with nonlinear bulk viscosity
LP Chimento, AS Jakubi, V Méndez, R Maartens
Classical and Quantum Gravity 14 (12), 3363, 1997
Nonlinear bulk viscosity and inflation
R Maartens, V Mendez
Physical Review D 55 (4), 1937, 1997
Characterization of stationary states in random walks with stochastic resetting
V Méndez, D Campos
Physical Review E 93 (2), 022106, 2016
Dynamics and thermodynamics of delayed population growth
V Méndez, J Camacho
Physical Review E 55 (6), 6476, 1997
Phase transitions in optimal search times: How random walkers should combine resetting and flight scales
D Campos, V Méndez
Physical Review E 92 (6), 062115, 2015
Comb-like models for transport along spiny dendrites
V Méndez, A Iomin
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 53, 46-51, 2013
Transport on fractal river networks: Application to migration fronts
D Campos, J Fort, V Méndez
Theoretical population biology 69 (1), 88-93, 2006
Persistent random motion: Uncovering cell migration dynamics
D Campos, V Méndez, I Llopis
Journal of theoretical biology 267 (4), 526-534, 2010
Testing complex networks of interaction at the onset of the Near Eastern Neolithic using modelling of obsidian exchange
JJ Ibáñez, D Ortega, D Campos, L Khalidi, V Méndez
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 12 (107), 20150210, 2015
Speed of wave-front solutions to hyperbolic reaction-diffusion equations
V Méndez, J Fort, J Farjas
Physical Review E 60 (5), 5231, 1999
Reaction-diffusion waves of advance in the transition to agricultural economics
J Fort, V Méndez
Physical Review E 60 (5), 5894, 1999
Transport properties and first-arrival statistics of random motion with stochastic reset times
A Masó-Puigdellosas, D Campos, V Méndez
Physical Review E 99 (1), 012141, 2019
Towards a multi-agent-based modelling of obsidian exchange in the Neolithic Near East
D Ortega, JJ Ibañez, L Khalidi, V Méndez, D Campos, L Teira
Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 21, 461-485, 2014
En aquests moments el sistema no pot dur a terme l'operació. Torneu-ho a provar més tard.
Articles 1–20