Yifei Liu
Yifei Liu
GE Healthcare MR
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Ultra wideband (0.5–16 kHz) MR elastography for robust shear viscoelasticity model identification
Y Liu, TK Yasar, TJ Royston
Physics in Medicine & Biology 59 (24), 7717, 2014
Mechanical characterization of tissue-engineered cartilage using microscopic magnetic resonance elastography
Z Yin, TM Schmid, TK Yasar, Y Liu, TJ Royston, RL Magin
Tissue Engineering Part C: Methods 20 (8), 611-619, 2014
Cardiac MR elastography of the mouse: Initial results
Y Liu, TJ Royston, D Klatt, ED Lewandowski
Magnetic resonance in medicine 76 (6), 1879-1886, 2016
Axisymmetric diffraction of a cylindrical transverse wave by a viscoelastic spherical inclusion
BL Schwartz, Y Liu, TJ Royston, RL Magin
Journal of Sound and Vibration 364, 222-233, 2016
Scattering and diffraction of elastodynamic waves in a concentric cylindrical phantom for MR elastography
BL Schwartz, Z Yin, TK Yaşar, Y Liu, AA Khan, QY Allen, TJ Royston, ...
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 63 (11), 2308-2316, 2016
High resolution cardiac magnetic resonance elastography: from phantom to mouse heart
Y Liu
University of Illinois at Chicago, 2015
Optimal Motion Encoding Scheme for MR Elastography
TK Yasar, Y Liu, D Klatt, RL Magin, TJ Royston
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med 23, 1055, 2015
A Fluid Structure Interaction Simulation of the Cerebrospinal Fluid, Spinal Cord, and Spinal Stenosis Present in Syringomyelia
Y Liu, BA Martin, TJ Royston, F Loth
Summer Bioengineering Conference 44038, 235-236, 2010
Finite‐Element Method in MR Elastography: Application in Tissue Engineering
Y Liu, TJ Royston
Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Tissue Engineering, 117-127, 2017
Interpreting Microscopic Magnetic Resonance Elastography Measurements Using Finite Element Analysis
Y Liu, T Yasar, TJ Royston
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 56215 …, 2013
In vivo Cardiac MR Elastography on mouse
Y Liu, TJ Royston, ED Lewandowski
Assessment of the stiffness of intervertebral disk in rat model with Magnetic Resonance Elastography
Y Liu, J Zelenakova, K Cai, R Kleps, TJ Royston, RL Magin, A Larson, ...
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Articles 1–12