Serhat DUMAN
Serhat DUMAN
Bandirma Onyedi Eylul University, Engineering and Natural Sciences Faculty, Electrical Engineering
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Optimal power flow using gravitational search algorithm
S Duman, U Güvenç, Y Sönmez, N Yörükeren
Energy conversion and management 59, 86-95, 2012
Combined economic and emission dispatch solution using gravitational search algorithm
U Güvenc, Y Sönmez, S Duman, N Yörükeren
Scientia Iranica 19 (6), 1754-1762, 2012
Optimal reactive power dispatch using a gravitational search algorithm
S Duman, Y Sonmez, U Guvenc, N Yorukeren
IET generation, transmission & distribution 6 (6), 563-576, 2012
Gravitational search algorithm for economic dispatch with valve-point effects
S Duman, U Güvenç, N Yörükeren
International Review of Electrical Engineering 5 (6), 2890-2895, 2010
Symbiotic organisms search algorithm for optimal power flow problem based on valve-point effect and prohibited zones
S Duman
Neural Computing and Applications 28 (11), 3571-3585, 2017
A novel modified hybrid PSOGSA based on fuzzy logic for non-convex economic dispatch problem with valve-point effect
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 121-135, 2015
Fitness–Distance Balance based adaptive guided differential evolution algorithm for security-constrained optimal power flow problem incorporating renewable energy sources
U Guvenc, S Duman, HT Kahraman, S Aras, M Katı
Applied Soft Computing 108, 107421, 2021
Optimization of Optimal Power Flow Problem Using Multi-Objective Manta Ray Foraging Optimizer
HT Kahraman, M Akbel, S Duman
Applied Soft Computing 116 (108334), 2022
A powerful meta-heuristic search algorithm for solving global optimization and real-world solar photovoltaic parameter estimation problems
S Duman, HT Kahraman, Y Sonmez, U Guvenc, M Katı, S Aras
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 111 (104763), 2022
Symbiotic organisms search optimization algorithm for economic/emission dispatch problem in power systems
MK Dosoglu, U Guvenc, S Duman, Y Sonmez, HT Kahraman
Neural Computing and Applications 29 (3), 721-737, 2018
Dynamic FDB selection method and its application: modeling and optimizing of directional overcurrent relays coordination
HT Kahraman, H Bakır, S Duman, M Katı, S Aras, U Güvenç
Applied Intelligence 52, 4873-4908, 2022
Development of the Multi-Objective Adaptive Guided Differential Evolution and optimization of the MO-ACOPF for wind/PV/tidal energy sources
S Duman, M Akbel, HT Kahraman
Applied Soft Computing 112, 107814, 2021
Optimal power flow of power systems with controllable wind‐photovoltaic energy systems via differential evolutionary particle swarm optimization
S Duman, S Rivera, J Li, L Wu
International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems 30 (4), e12270, 2020
Optimal power flow with stochastic wind power and FACTS devices: a modified hybrid PSOGSA with chaotic maps approach
S Duman, J Li, L Wu, U Guvenc
Neural Computing and Applications 32, 8463-8492, 2020
Optimal power flow solution with stochastic wind power using the Lévy coyote optimization algorithm
E Kaymaz, S Duman, U Guvenc
Neural Computing and Applications 33 (12), 6775-6804, 2021
Development of a Lévy flight and FDB-based coyote optimization algorithm for global optimization and real-world ACOPF problems
S Duman, HT Kahraman, U Guvenc, S Aras
Soft Computing 25 (8), 6577-6617, 2021
A novel MPPT algorithm based on optimized artificial neural network by using FPSOGSA for standalone photovoltaic energy systems
S Duman, N Yorukeren, IH Altas
Neural Computing and Applications 29 (1), 257-278, 2018
Determination of the PID controller parameters for speed and position control of DC motor using gravitational search algorithm
S Duman, D Maden, U Güvenç
2011 7th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering …, 2011
Economical operation of modern power grids incorporating uncertainties of renewable energy sources and load demand using the adaptive fitness-distance balance-based stochastic …
S Duman, HT Kahraman, M Kati
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 117 (105501), 2023
Improved Lévy Flight Distribution Algorithm with FDB-Based Guiding Mechanism for AVR System Optimal Design
H Bakir, U Guvenc, HT Kahraman, S Duman
Computers & Industrial Engineering 168 (108032), 2022
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Articles 1–20