Dr. Alon Gelbman
Dr. Alon Gelbman
Associate Professor of Tourism Management, Kinneret College on the Sea of Galilee, Israel
Correu electrònic verificat a - Pàgina d'inici
Citada per
Citada per
From hostile boundaries to tourist attractions
A Gelbman, DJ Timothy
Current issues in tourism 13 (3), 239-259, 2010
Border complexity, tourism and international exclaves: A case study
A Gelbman, DJ Timothy
Annals of tourism research 38 (1), 110-131, 2011
Border tourism in Israel: Conflict, peace, fear and hope
A Gelbman
Tourism Geographies 10 (2), 193-213, 2008
Island of peace or island of war: Tourist guiding
A Gelbman, D Maoz
Annals of Tourism Research 39 (1), 108-133, 2012
Border tourism attractions as a space for presenting and symbolizing peace.
A Gelbman
Tourism, progress and peace, 83-98, 2010
Differential tourism zones on the western Canada–US border
A Gelbman, DJ Timothy
Current Issues in Tourism 22 (6), 682-704, 2019
The examination of the residents’ activities and dedication to the local community–an agritourism access to the subject
MD Petrović, A Gelbman, D Demirović, S Gagić, DB Vuković
Journal of the Geographical Institute" Jovan Cvijic", SASA 67 (1), 37-52, 2017
Re-envisioning community-based heritage tourism in the old city of Nazareth
A Gelbman, D Laven
Journal of Heritage Tourism 11 (2), 105-125, 2016
Cultural and behavioral differences: tour guides gazing at tourists
A Gelbman, N Collins-Kreiner
Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change 16 (2), 155-172, 2018
Tourist experience and innovative hospitality management in different cities
A Gelbman
Sustainability 13 (12), 6578, 2021
Tourist lodging, spatial relations, and the cultural heritage of borderlands
DJ Timothy, A Gelbman
Journal of Heritage Tourism 10 (2), 202-212, 2015
National and transnational borderlanders’ attitudes towards the security fence between Israel and the Palestinian Authority
A Gelbman, O Keinan
GeoJournal 68, 279-291, 2007
Sport tourism and peace: Crossing the contested wall
A Gelbman
Tourism places in Asia, 163-189, 2021
Seaside hotel location and environmental impact: Land use dilemmas
A Gelbman
Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change 20 (4), 530-550, 2022
The influence of social entrepreneurship in tourism on an Arab village in Israel
A Stenvall, D Laven, A Gelbman
Social entrepreneurship and tourism: Philosophy and practice, 279-293, 2017
Tourism along the geopolitical barrier: implications of the Holy Land fence
A Gelbman
GeoJournal 81, 671-680, 2016
Heritage and cultural tourism: The present and future of the past
A Gelbman, AS Ron
Tourism Geographies 11 (1), 127-129, 2009
13. Tourism, peace, and global stability
A Gelbman
Handbook of globalisation and tourism., 149, 2019
From ideological space to recreational tourism: The Israeli forest
K Cohen-Hattab, A Gelbman, N Shoval
Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change 16 (5), 501-520, 2018
The host gaze on current Christian pilgrims in Israel: tour guides gazing.
A Gelbman, N Collins-Kreiner
The host gaze in global tourism, 81-91, 2013
En aquests moments el sistema no pot dur a terme l'operació. Torneu-ho a provar més tard.
Articles 1–20