Roland Griesmaier
Roland Griesmaier
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Error analysis for a hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin method for the Helmholtz equation
R Griesmaier, P Monk
Journal of Scientific Computing 49, 291-310, 2011
Multi-frequency orthogonality sampling for inverse obstacle scattering problems
R Griesmaier
Inverse Problems 27 (8), 085005, 2011
Identification of small inhomogeneities: asymptotic factorization
H Ammari, R Griesmaier, M Hanke
Mathematics of computation 76 (259), 1425-1448, 2007
An asymptotic factorization method for inverse electromagnetic scattering in layered media
R Griesmaier
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 68 (5), 1378-1403, 2008
A factorization method for multifrequency inverse source problems with sparse far field measurements
R Griesmaier, C Schmiedecke
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 10 (4), 2119-2139, 2017
Monotonicity in inverse medium scattering on unbounded domains
R Griesmaier, B Harrach
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 78 (5), 2533-2557, 2018
Discretization of the wave equation using continuous elements in time and a hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin method in space
R Griesmaier, P Monk
Journal of Scientific Computing 58, 472-498, 2014
A multifrequency MUSIC algorithm for locating small inhomogeneities in inverse scattering
R Griesmaier, C Schmiedecke
Inverse problems 33 (3), 035015, 2017
Inverse source problems for the Helmholtz equation and the windowed Fourier transform
R Griesmaier, M Hanke, T Raasch
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 34 (3), A1544-A1562, 2012
Far field splitting for the Helmholtz equation
R Griesmaier, M Hanke, J Sylvester
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 52 (1), 343-362, 2014
A general perturbation formula for electromagnetic fields in presence of low volume scatterers
R Griesmaier
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 45 (6), 1193-1218, 2011
Uncertainty principles for inverse source problems, far field splitting, and data completion
R Griesmaier, J Sylvester
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 77 (1), 154-180, 2017
Reciprocity gap MUSIC imaging for an inverse scattering problem in two-layered media
R Griesmaier
Inverse Probl. Imaging 3, 389-403, 2009
Inverse source problems for the Helmholtz equation and the windowed Fourier transform II
R Griesmaier, M Hanke, T Raasch
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 35 (5), A2188-A2206, 2013
Monotonicity in inverse obstacle scattering on unbounded domains
A Albicker, R Griesmaier
Inverse Problems 36 (8), 085014, 2020
Uncertainty principles for three-dimensional inverse source problems
R Griesmaier, J Sylvester
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 77 (6), 2066–2092, 2017
Far Field Splitting by Iteratively Reweighted Minimization
R Griesmaier, J Sylvester
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 76 (2), 705-730, 2016
Enhanced approximate cloaking by optimal change of variables
R Griesmaier, MS Vogelius
Inverse Problems 30 (3), 035014, 2014
Reconstruction of thin tubular inclusions in three-dimensional domains using electrical impedance tomography
R Griesmaier
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 3 (3), 340-362, 2010
Uncertainty principles for inverse source problems for electromagnetic and elastic waves
R Griesmaier, J Sylvester
Inverse Problems 34 (6), 065003, 2018
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