Hot exciton dissociation in polymer solar cells G Grancini, M Maiuri, D Fazzi, A Petrozza, HJ Egelhaaf, D Brida, ...
Nature materials 12 (1), 29-33, 2013
779 2013 Coherent ultrafast charge transfer in an organic photovoltaic blend SM Falke, CA Rozzi, D Brida, M Maiuri, M Amato, E Sommer, A De Sio, ...
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633 2014 Real-time observation of ultrafast Rabi oscillations between excitons and plasmons in metal nanostructures with J-aggregates P Vasa, W Wang, R Pomraenke, M Lammers, M Maiuri, C Manzoni, ...
Nature Photonics 7 (2), 128-132, 2013
483 2013 Ultrafast spectroscopy: State of the art and open challenges M Maiuri, M Garavelli, G Cerullo
Journal of the American Chemical Society 142 (1), 3-15, 2019
384 2019 Quantum coherence controls the charge separation in a prototypical artificial light-harvesting system C Andrea Rozzi, S Maria Falke, N Spallanzani, A Rubio, E Molinari, ...
Nature communications 4 (1), 1602, 2013
325 2013 The nature of singlet exciton fission in carotenoid aggregates AJ Musser, M Maiuri, D Brida, G Cerullo, RH Friend, J Clark
Journal of the American Chemical Society 137 (15), 5130-5139, 2015
203 2015 Tracking the coherent generation of polaron pairs in conjugated polymers A De Sio, F Troiani, M Maiuri, J Réhault, E Sommer, J Lim, SF Huelga, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 13742, 2016
198 2016 Activated singlet exciton fission in a semiconducting polymer AJ Musser, M Al-Hashimi, M Maiuri, D Brida, M Heeney, G Cerullo, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 135 (34), 12747-12754, 2013
192 2013 Coherent wavepackets in the Fenna–Matthews–Olson complex are robust to excitonic-structure perturbations caused by mutagenesis M Maiuri, EE Ostroumov, RG Saer, RE Blankenship, GD Scholes
Nature chemistry 10 (2), 177-183, 2018
131 2018 Interplay between strong coupling and radiative damping of excitons and surface plasmon polaritons in hybrid nanostructures W Wang, P Vasa, R Pomraenke, R Vogelgesang, A De Sio, E Sommer, ...
Acs Nano 8 (1), 1056-1064, 2014
131 2014 Two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy with birefringent wedges J Réhault, M Maiuri, A Oriana, G Cerullo
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130 2014 Transient optical symmetry breaking for ultrafast broadband dichroism in plasmonic metasurfaces A Schirato, M Maiuri, A Toma, S Fugattini, R Proietti Zaccaria, P Laporta, ...
Nature Photonics 14 (12), 723-727, 2020
78 2020 Strongly Coupled Coherent Phonons in Single-Layer MoS2 C Trovatello, HPC Miranda, A Molina-Sanchez, R Borrego-Varillas, ...
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72 2020 Optical Stark Effects in -Aggregate–Metal Hybrid Nanostructures Exhibiting a Strong Exciton–Surface-Plasmon-Polariton Interaction P Vasa, W Wang, R Pomraenke, M Maiuri, C Manzoni, G Cerullo, ...
Physical review letters 114 (3), 036802, 2015
68 2015 Ultrafast internal conversion in a low band gap polymer for photovoltaics: experimental and theoretical study D Fazzi, G Grancini, M Maiuri, D Brida, G Cerullo, G Lanzani
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 14 (18), 6367-6374, 2012
59 2012 Wavepacket splitting and two‐pathway deactivation in the photoexcited visual pigment isorhodopsin D Polli, O Weingart, D Brida, E Poli, M Maiuri, KM Spillane, A Bottoni, ...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 53 (9), 2504-2507, 2014
52 2014 Ultrafast hot electron dynamics in plasmonic nanostructures: experiments, modelling, design A Schirato, M Maiuri, G Cerullo, G Della Valle
Nanophotonics 12 (1), 1-28, 2023
49 2023 Dissecting interlayer hole and electron transfer in transition metal dichalcogenide heterostructures via two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy VR Policht, M Russo, F Liu, C Trovatello, M Maiuri, Y Bai, X Zhu, ...
Nano Letters 21 (11), 4738-4743, 2021
47 2021 Solvent-dependent activation of intermediate excited states in the energy relaxation pathways of spheroidene M Maiuri, D Polli, D Brida, L Lüer, AM LaFountain, M Fuciman, RJ Cogdell, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 14 (18), 6312-6319, 2012
39 2012 2D IR spectroscopy with phase-locked pulse pairs from a birefringent delay line J Réhault, M Maiuri, C Manzoni, D Brida, J Helbing, G Cerullo
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