Felipe Borrero-Echeverry
Felipe Borrero-Echeverry
Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria - AGROSAVIA
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A Drosophila female pheromone elicits species-specific long-range attraction via an olfactory channel with dual specificity for sex and food
S Lebreton, F Borrero-Echeverry, F Gonzalez, M Solum, EA Wallin, ...
BMC biology 15, 1-14, 2017
A herbivore-induced plant volatile interferes with host plant and mate location in moths through suppression of olfactory signalling pathways
E Hatano, AM Saveer, F Borrero-Echeverry, M Strauch, A Zakir, ...
BMC biology 13, 1-15, 2015
Feeding regulates sex pheromone attraction and courtship in Drosophila females
S Lebreton, F Trona, F Borrero-Echeverry, F Bilz, V Grabe, PG Becher, ...
Scientific Reports 5 (1), 13132, 2015
Plant odor and sex pheromone are integral elements of specific mate recognition in an insect herbivore
F Borrero‐Echeverry, M Bengtsson, K Nakamuta, P Witzgall
Evolution 72 (10), 2225-2233, 2018
Yeast volatomes differentially affect larval feeding in an insect herbivore
J Ljunggren, F Borrero-Echeverry, A Chakraborty, TUT Lindblom, ...
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 85 (21), e01761-19, 2019
Flight attraction of Spodoptera littoralis (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) to cotton headspace and synthetic volatile blends
F Borrero-Echeverry, PG Becher, G Birgersson, M Bengtsson, P Witzgall, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 3, 56, 2015
Economic injury levels for the potato yellow vein disease and its vector, Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae), affecting potato crops in the Andes
DF Rincon, DF Vasquez, HF Rivera-Trujillo, C Beltrán, ...
Crop Protection 119, 52-58, 2019
The scent of the fly
PG Becher, S Lebreton, EA Wallin, E Hedenström, F Borrero, ...
Journal of Chemical Ecology 44, 431-435, 2018
Odorant receptor phylogeny confirms conserved channels for sex pheromone and host plant signals in tortricid moths
F Gonzalez, F Borrero‐Echeverry, JK Jósvai, M Strandh, CR Unelius, ...
Ecology and evolution 10 (14), 7334-7348, 2020
The female sex pheromone (Z)-4-undecenal mediates flight attraction and courtship in Drosophila melanogaster
F Borrero-Echeverry, M Solum, F Trona, PG Becher, EA Wallin, ...
Journal of insect physiology 137, 104355, 2022
Drought as a modulator of plant–virus–vector interactions: effects on symptom expression, plant immunity and vector behaviour
DF Vasquez, A Hernandez, D Torres, F Borrero‐Echeverry, P Zuluaga, ...
Plant Pathology 71 (6), 1282-1292, 2022
Control biológico de fitopatógenos, insectos y ácaros: aplicaciones y perspectivas. V. 2
AM Cotes, X Fargetton, J Köhl, A Díaz García, MI Gómez Álvarez, ...
‎‎ Corporación colombiana de investigación agropecuaria-AGROSAVIA, 2018
Feeding regulates sex pheromone attraction and courtship in Drosophila females. Sci Rep 5: 13132
S Lebreton, S Trona, F Borrero-Echeverry, F Bilz, V Grabe, PG Becher, ...
Uso de los compuestos volátiles de la papa en el control de la Polilla guatemalteca
AM Cotes, A Lopez-Avila, CF Bosa Ochoa, MV Zuluaga, D Rincon, ...
Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria. https://repository …, 2012
Sampling plans promoting farmers’ memory provide decision support in Tuta absoluta management
DF Rincon, HF Rivera-Trujillo, L Mojica-Ramos, F Borrero-Echeverry
Agronomy for Sustainable Development 41 (3), 33, 2021
A participative system methodology to model pest dynamics in an agricultural setting
M Blanco, F Montes, F Borrero-Echeverry, AL Solano-Blanco, C Gomez, ...
Kybernetes 52 (9), 3550-3565, 2023
Social and Environmental Olfactory Signals Mediate Insect Behavioral Ecology and Evolution
F Borrero-Echeverry
Department of Plant Protection Biology, Swedish University of Agricultural …, 2016
A real-time decision-making tool based on dynamic thresholds for Phthorimaea absoluta management in greenhouse tomato
DF Rincon, HF Rivera-Trujillo, F Borrero-Echeverry
Crop Protection 167, 106196, 2023
Commentary: is the focus on “ecosystems” a liability in the research on nature's services?
F Borrero-Echeverry, DF Rincon
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7, 79, 2019
Las feromonas en el control de insectos
F Borrero-Echeverry, N Barreto-Triana, SM Aragón-Rodríguez, ...
Control biológico de fitopatógenos, insectos y ácaros: agentes de control …, 2018
En aquests moments el sistema no pot dur a terme l'operació. Torneu-ho a provar més tard.
Articles 1–20