Silke Sachse
Silke Sachse
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Atypical Membrane Topology and Heteromeric Function of Drosophila Odorant Receptors In Vivo
R Benton, S Sachse, SW Michnick, LB Vosshall
PLoS biology 4 (2), e20, 2006
A conserved dedicated olfactory circuit for detecting harmful microbes in Drosophila
MC Stensmyr, HKM Dweck, A Farhan, I Ibba, A Strutz, L Mukunda, J Linz, ...
Cell 151 (6), 1345-1357, 2012
Role of inhibition for temporal and spatial odor representation in olfactory output neurons: a calcium imaging study
S Sachse, CG Galizia
Journal of neurophysiology 87 (2), 1106-1117, 2002
The glomerular code for odor representation is species specific in the honeybee Apis mellifera
CG Galizia, S Sachse, A Rappert, R Menzel
Nature neuroscience 2 (5), 473-478, 1999
The spatial representation of chemical structures in the antennal lobe of honeybees: steps towards the olfactory code
S Sachse, A Rappert, CG Galizia
European Journal of Neuroscience 11 (11), 3970-3982, 1999
Pheromones mediating copulation and attraction in Drosophila
HKM Dweck, SAM Ebrahim, M Thoma, AAM Mohamed, IW Keesey, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (21), E2829-E2835, 2015
Olfactory preference for egg laying on citrus substrates in Drosophila
HKM Dweck, SAM Ebrahim, S Kromann, D Bown, Y Hillbur, S Sachse, ...
Current Biology 23 (24), 2472-2480, 2013
Genetically expressed cameleon in Drosophila melanogaster is used to visualize olfactory information in projection neurons
A Fiala, T Spall, S Diegelmann, B Eisermann, S Sachse, JM Devaud, ...
Current Biology 12 (21), 1877-1884, 2002
The coding of odour‐intensity in the honeybee antennal lobe: local computation optimizes odour representation
S Sachse, CG Galizia
European journal of neuroscience 18 (8), 2119-2132, 2003
Spatial representation of odorant valence in an insect brain
M Knaden, A Strutz, J Ahsan, S Sachse, BS Hansson
Cell reports 1 (4), 392-399, 2012
Activity-dependent plasticity in an olfactory circuit
S Sachse, E Rueckert, A Keller, R Okada, NK Tanaka, K Ito, LB Vosshall
Neuron 56 (5), 838-850, 2007
A deceptive pollination system targeting drosophilids through olfactory mimicry of yeast
J Stökl, A Strutz, A Dafni, A Svatos, J Doubsky, M Knaden, S Sachse, ...
Current Biology 20 (20), 1846-1852, 2010
Drosophila Avoids Parasitoids by Sensing Their Semiochemicals via a Dedicated Olfactory Circuit
SAM Ebrahim, HKM Dweck, J Stökl, JE Hofferberth, F Trona, K Weniger, ...
PLoS biology 13 (12), e1002318, 2015
Elucidating the neuronal architecture of olfactory glomeruli in the Drosophila antennal lobe
V Grabe, A Baschwitz, HKM Dweck, S Lavista-Llanos, BS Hansson, ...
Cell reports 16 (12), 3401-3413, 2016
Decoding odor quality and intensity in the Drosophila brain
A Strutz, J Soelter, A Baschwitz, A Farhan, V Grabe, J Rybak, M Knaden, ...
Elife 3, e04147, 2014
Fundamental principles of the olfactory code
V Grabe, S Sachse
Biosystems 164, 94-101, 2018
Physiological and morphological characterization of local interneurons in the Drosophila antennal lobe
Y Seki, J Rybak, D Wicher, S Sachse, BS Hansson
Journal of neurophysiology 104 (2), 1007-1019, 2010
Host plant-driven sensory specialization in Drosophila erecta
J Linz, A Baschwitz, A Strutz, HKM Dweck, S Sachse, BS Hansson, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 280 (1760), 20130626, 2013
Odor-driven attractor dynamics in the antennal lobe allow for simple and rapid olfactory pattern classification
RF Galán, S Sachse, CG Galizia, AVM Herz
Neural computation 16 (5), 999-1012, 2004
Relationship of visual and olfactory signal parameters in a food-deceptive flower mimicry system
CG Galizia, J Kunze, A Gumbert, AK Borg-Karlson, S Sachse, C Markl, ...
Behavioral Ecology 16 (1), 159-168, 2005
En aquests moments el sistema no pot dur a terme l'operació. Torneu-ho a provar més tard.
Articles 1–20