Scott L. Friedman
Scott L. Friedman
Professor of Medicine
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Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (4th edition)1
DJ Klionsky, AK Abdel-Aziz, S Abdelfatah, M Abdellatif, A Abdoli, S Abel, ...
autophagy 17 (1), 1-382, 2021
Mechanisms of NAFLD development and therapeutic strategies
SL Friedman, BA Neuschwander-Tetri, M Rinella, AJ Sanyal
Nature medicine 24 (7), 908-922, 2018
Mechanisms of hepatic fibrogenesis
SL Friedman
Gastroenterology 134 (6), 1655-1669, 2008
Hepatic stellate cells: protean, multifunctional, and enigmatic cells of the liver
SL Friedman
Physiological reviews 88 (1), 125-172, 2008
Molecular regulation of hepatic fibrosis, an integrated cellular response to tissue injury
SL Friedman
Journal of Biological Chemistry 275 (4), 2247-2250, 2000
Mechanisms of hepatic stellate cell activation
T Tsuchida, SL Friedman
Nature reviews Gastroenterology & hepatology 14 (7), 397-411, 2017
Liver fibrosis–from bench to bedside
SL Friedman
Journal of hepatology 38, 38-53, 2003
Weight loss through lifestyle modification significantly reduces features of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis
E Vilar-Gomez, Y Martinez-Perez, L Calzadilla-Bertot, A Torres-Gonzalez, ...
Gastroenterology 149 (2), 367-378. e5, 2015
Pathogenesis of liver fibrosis
V Hernandez-Gea, SL Friedman
Annual review of pathology: mechanisms of disease 6 (1), 425-456, 2011
The cellular basis of hepatic fibrosis--mechanisms and treatment strategies
SL Friedman
New England Journal of Medicine 328 (25), 1828-1835, 1993
Mechanisms and disease consequences of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
R Loomba, SL Friedman, GI Shulman
Cell 184 (10), 2537-2564, 2021
Hepatic stellate cells as key target in liver fibrosis
T Higashi, SL Friedman, Y Hoshida
Advanced drug delivery reviews 121, 27-42, 2017
Gene expression in fixed tissues and outcome in hepatocellular carcinoma
Y Hoshida, A Villanueva, M Kobayashi, J Peix, DY Chiang, A Camargo, ...
New England Journal of Medicine 359 (19), 1995-2004, 2008
Integrative transcriptome analysis reveals common molecular subclasses of human hepatocellular carcinoma
Y Hoshida, SMB Nijman, M Kobayashi, JA Chan, JP Brunet, DY Chiang, ...
Cancer research 69 (18), 7385-7392, 2009
Mechanisms of hepatic fibrogenesis
UE Lee, SL Friedman
Best practice & research Clinical gastroenterology 25 (2), 195-206, 2011
Liver cancer cell of origin, molecular class, and effects on patient prognosis
D Sia, A Villanueva, SL Friedman, JM Llovet
Gastroenterology 152 (4), 745-761, 2017
p53 activates the CD95 (APO-1/Fas) gene in response to DNA damage by anticancer drugs
M Müller, S Wilder, D Bannasch, D Israeli, K Lehlbach, M Li-Weber, ...
The Journal of experimental medicine 188 (11), 2033-2045, 1998
Human hepatic stellate cell lines, LX-1 and LX-2: new tools for analysis of hepatic fibrosis
L Xu, AY Hui, E Albanis, MJ Arthur, SM O’byrne, WS Blaner, P Mukherjee, ...
Gut 54 (1), 142-151, 2005
Hepatic lipocytes: the principal collagen-producing cells of normal rat liver.
SL Friedman, FJ Roll, J Boyles, DM Bissell
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 82 (24), 8681-8685, 1985
Pathobiology of liver fibrosis: a translational success story
YA Lee, MC Wallace, SL Friedman
Gut 64 (5), 830-841, 2015
En aquests moments el sistema no pot dur a terme l'operació. Torneu-ho a provar més tard.
Articles 1–20