Khairulmaini Osman Salleh
Khairulmaini Osman Salleh
Department of Geography, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Building, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur,
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Malaysia's efforts toward achieving a sustainable development: Issues, challenges and prospects
N Mokthsim, KO Salleh
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 120, 299-307, 2014
Agricultural vulnerability and adaptation to climatic changes in Malaysia: Review on paddy sector
MM Alam, C Siwar, AH Jaafar, B Talib, K Salleh
Alam, MM, Siwar, C., Jaafar, AH, Talib, B., and Salleh, KO, 1-12, 2013
Spatial temporal land use change detection using Google earth data
A Wibowo, KO Salleh, FTRS Frans, JM Semedi
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 47 (1), 012031, 2016
Climate change adaptability of farmers: Malaysian case study
MM Alam, C Siwar, AH Jaafar, B Talib, K Salleh
Alam, MM, Siwar, C., Jaafar, AH, Talib, B., and Salleh, KO, 130-135, 2013
Gully erosion in semiarid regions
KO Salleh, F Mousazadeh
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 19, 655-661, 2011
Farmer perception of soil erosion and investment in soil conservation measures: emerging evidence from northern Taraba State, Nigeria
MB Yusuf, FB Mustafa, KO Salleh
Soil Use and Management 33 (1), 163-173, 2017
Spatial temporal analysis of urban heat hazard on education Area (University of Indonesia)
A Wibowo, JM Semedi, KO Salleh
The Indonesian Journal of Geography 49 (1), 1, 2017
Urban heat signature impact on university campus
A Wibowo, MM Yussof, TAAB Hamzah, KO Salleh
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 338 (1), 012027, 2019
Land cover types and their effect on the Urban Heat Signature of university campuses using remote sensing
A Wibowo, KO Salleh
Int. J. of Tech 9, 2018
Factors controlling gully erosion development in Toroud Basin–Iran
F Mousazadeh, KO Salleh
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 120, 506-512, 2014
The influence of lithology and soil on the occurrence and expansion of gully erosion, Toroud Basin–Iran
F Mousazadeh, KO Salleh
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 120, 749-756, 2014
Upper basin systems: Issues and implications for sustainable development planning in Malaysia
KO Salleh, F Ab Ghaffar
Journal of Geography and Regional Planning 3 (11), 327, 2010
Monitoring urban heat signature and profiles of localized urban environment in the University of Malaya
A Wibowo, MM Yusoff, KO Salleh
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 481 (1), 012062, 2020
Landscape features and potential heat hazard threat: a spatial–temporal analysis of two urban universities
A Wibowo, KO Salleh
Natural Hazards 92, 1267-1286, 2018
Vulnerability and adaptation of urban dwellers in slope failure threats-A preliminary observation for the Klang Valley Region
P Thanapackiam, KO Salleh, F Ab Ghaffar
Journal of Environmental Biology 33 (2), 373, 2012
The effects of drainage basin geomorphometry on minimum low flow discharge: the study of small watershed in Kelang River Valley in Peninsular Malaysia
AJM Yunus, N Nakagoshi, KO Salleh
Journal of Environmental Sciences 15 (2), 149-262, 2003
Assessment of aridity using geographical information system in Zayandeh-Roud Basin, Isfahan, Iran
M Marani-Barzani, S Eslamian, M Amoushahi-Khouzani, A Gandomkar, ...
Int J Min Sci (IJMS) 3 (2), 49-61, 2017
Tanggapan dan gerak balas terhadap bahaya alam sekitar
KO Salleh
Perbandaran dan perancangan persekitaran, 2000
Spatio-temporal analysis of maximum Urban heat signature in urban forest: The case of University of Indonesia, Depok, West Java
A Wibowo, KO Salleh, JM Semedi, IPA Shidiq
The Malaysian Forester 81 (2), 199-213, 2018
Assessment of aridity index in Iran
MM Barzani, KBO Salleh
International Journal of Information and Decision Sciences 9 (4), 405-416, 2017
En aquests moments el sistema no pot dur a terme l'operació. Torneu-ho a provar més tard.
Articles 1–20