Gary B. Melton
Gary B. Melton
professor of pediatrics, university of colorado anschutz medical campus
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Psychological evaluations for the courts: A handbook for mental health professionals and lawyers
GB Melton, J Petrila, NG Poythress, C Slobogin, RK Otto, D Mossman, ...
Guilford Publications, 2017
Family preservation using multisystemic therapy: an effective alternative to incarcerating serious juvenile offenders.
SW Henggeler, GB Melton, LA Smith
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 60 (6), 953, 1992
Multisystemic therapy with violent and chronic juvenile offenders and their families: the role of treatment fidelity in successful dissemination.
SW Henggeler, GB Melton, MJ Brondino, DG Scherer, JH Hanley
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 65 (5), 821, 1997
Testifying in criminal court: Emotional effects on child sexual assault victims
GS Goodman, EP Taub, DPH Jones, P England, LK Port, L Rudy, L Prado, ...
Monographs of the society for research in child development, i-159, 1992
Family preservation using multisystemic treatment: Long-term follow-up to a clinical trial with serious juvenile offenders
SW Henggeler, GB Melton, LA Smith, SK Schoenwald, JH Hanley
Journal of Child and Family Studies 2, 283-293, 1993
Avoiding heterosexist bias in psychological research.
GM Herek, DC Kimmel, H Amaro, GB Melton
American psychologist 46 (9), 957, 1991
Effects of multisystemic therapy on drug use and abuse in serious juvenile offenders: A progress report from two outcome studies.
SW Henggeler, CM Borduin, GB Melton, BJ Mann
Family Dynamics of Addiction Quarterly, 1991
Mandated reporting: A policy without reason
GB Melton
Child abuse & neglect 29 (1), 9-18, 2005
Children's concepts of their rights
GB Melton
Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology 9 (3), 186-190, 1980
Children’s competence to consent
GB Melton, GP Koocher, MJ Saks
Children’s competence to consent, 1-18, 1983
Children's competency to testify.
GB Melton
Law and Human Behavior 5 (1), 73, 1981
Implementation of the Olweus bullying prevention program in American schools
SP Limber, M Nation, AJ Tracy, GB Melton, V Flerx
Bullying in North American Schools, 351-362, 2010
Child advocacy: Psychological issues and interventions
G Melton
Springer Science & Business Media, 2012
Psychologists' involvement in cases of child maltreatment: Limits of role and expertise.
GB Melton, S Limber
American Psychologist 44 (9), 1225, 1989
What children’s rights mean to children: Children’s own views
GB Melton, SP Limber
The ideologies of children's rights, 167-187, 1992
Taking Gault seriously: Toward a new juvenile court
GB Melton
Neb. L. Rev. 68, 146, 1989
Community mental health centers and the courts: An evaluation of community-based forensic services
GB Melton, C Slobogin, LA Weithorn
University of Nebraska Press, 1985
Treating children like people: A framework for research and advocacy
GB Melton
Journal of clinical child and adolescent psychology 34 (4), 646-657, 2005
Strong communities for children: Results of a multi-year community-based initiative to protect children from harm
JR McDonell, A Ben-Arieh, GB Melton
Child abuse & neglect 41, 79-96, 2015
Community consultation in socially sensitive research: Lessons from clinical trials of treatments for AIDS
GB Melton, RJ Levine, GP Koocher, R Rosenthal, WC Thompson
AIDS: society, ethics and law, 369-377, 2018
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