Patricia G. Devine
Patricia G. Devine
Professor of Psychology, University of Wisconsin
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Stereotypes and prejudice: Their automatic and controlled components.
PG Devine
Journal of personality and social psychology 56 (1), 5, 1989
Internal and external motivation to respond without prejudice.
EA Plant, PG Devine
Journal of personality and social psychology 75 (3), 811, 1998
On the motivational nature of cognitive dissonance: Dissonance as psychological discomfort.
AJ Elliot, PG Devine
Journal of personality and social psychology 67 (3), 382, 1994
Long-term reduction in implicit race bias: A prejudice habit-breaking intervention
PG Devine, PS Forscher, AJ Austin, WTL Cox
Journal of experimental social psychology 48 (6), 1267-1278, 2012
Are racial stereotypes really fading? The Princeton trilogy revisited
PG Devine, AJ Elliot
Personality and social psychology bulletin 21 (11), 1139-1150, 1995
The regulation of explicit and implicit race bias: the role of motivations to respond without prejudice.
PG Devine, EA Plant, DM Amodio, E Harmon-Jones, SL Vance
Journal of personality and social psychology 82 (5), 835, 2002
Prejudice with and without compunction.
PG Devine, MJ Monteith, JR Zuwerink, AJ Elliot
Journal of Personality and Social psychology 60 (6), 817, 1991
Stereotyping and evaluation in implicit race bias: evidence for independent constructs and unique effects on behavior.
DM Amodio, PG Devine
Journal of personality and social psychology 91 (4), 652, 2006
The gender stereotyping of emotions
EA Plant, JS Hyde, D Keltner, PG Devine
Psychology of women quarterly 24 (1), 81-92, 2000
A meta-analysis of procedures to change implicit measures.
PS Forscher, CK Lai, JR Axt, CR Ebersole, M Herman, PG Devine, ...
Journal of personality and social psychology 117 (3), 522, 2019
The antecedents and implications of interracial anxiety
EA Plant, PG Devine
Personality and social psychology bulletin 29 (6), 790-801, 2003
Eyewitness identification: Lineup instructions and the absence of the offender.
RS Malpass, PG Devine
Journal of applied Psychology 66 (4), 482, 1981
The effect of an intervention to break the gender bias habit for faculty at one institution: a cluster randomized, controlled trial
M Carnes, PG Devine, LB Manwell, A Byars-Winston, E Fine, CE Ford, ...
Academic Medicine 90 (2), 221-230, 2015
Neural signals for the detection of unintentional race bias
DM Amodio, E Harmon-Jones, PG Devine, JJ Curtin, SL Hartley, ...
Psychological Science 15 (2), 88-93, 2004
Suppression as a stereotype control strategy
MJ Monteith, JW Sherman, PG Devine
Personality and Social Psychology Review 2 (1), 63-82, 1998
Individual differences in the activation and control of affective race bias as assessed by startle eyeblink response and self-report.
DM Amodio, E Harmon-Jones, PG Devine
Journal of personality and social psychology 84 (4), 738, 2003
Attitude importance and resistance to persuasion: It's not just the thought that counts.
JR Zuwerink, PG Devine
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 70 (5), 931, 1996
A dynamic model of guilt: Implications for motivation and self-regulation in the context of prejudice
DM Amodio, PG Devine, E Harmon-Jones
Psychological science 18 (6), 524-530, 2007
Automaticity and control in stereotyping.
PG Devine, MJ Monteith
The Guilford Press, 1999
Measurement of racial stereotype subtyping
PG Devine, SM Baker
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 17 (1), 44-50, 1991
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