Eeva Furman
Eeva Furman
Director of the centre for environmental policy, Finnish Environment Institute SYKE
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Citada per
The impact of human activities and lifestyles on the interlinked microbiota and health of humans and of ecosystems
L Flandroy, T Poutahidis, G Berg, G Clarke, MC Dao, E Decaestecker, ...
Science of the total environment 627, 1018-1038, 2018
Global sustainable development report 2019: the future is now–science for achieving sustainable development
P Messerli, E Murniningtyas, P Eloundou-Enyegue, EG Foli, E Furman, ...
United Nations, 2019
From LTER to LTSER: conceptualizing the socioeconomic dimension of long-term socioecological research
H Haberl, V Winiwarter, K Andersson, RU Ayres, C Boone, A Castillo, ...
Ecology and society 11 (2), 2006
Operationalising ecosystem service approaches for governance: Do measuring, mapping and valuing integrate sector-specific knowledge systems?
E Primmer, E Furman
Ecosystem Services 1 (1), 85-92, 2012
A spatial assessment of ecosystem services in Europe: Methods, case studies and policy analysis-phase 2 Synthesis report
J Maes, J Hauck, ML Paracchini, O Ratamäki, M Termansen, ...
it, 2012
Views on planning and expectations of SEA: the case of transport planning
M Hildén, E Furman, M Kaljonen
Environmental Impact Assessment Review 24 (5), 519-536, 2004
Expansion of sustainability science needed for the SDGs
P Messerli, EM Kim, W Lutz, JP Moatti, K Richardson, M Saidam, D Smith, ...
Nature sustainability 2 (10), 892-894, 2019
Mainstreaming ecosystem services into EU policy
J Maes, J Hauck, ML Paracchini, O Ratamäki, M Hutchins, M Termansen, ...
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 5 (1), 128-134, 2013
Nature-based solutions
S O'Hogain, L McCarton, S O’Hogain, L McCarton
A technology portfolio of nature based solutions: innovations in water …, 2018
Handling a messy world: Lessons learned when trying to make the ecosystem services concept operational
K Jax, E Furman, H Saarikoski, DN Barton, B Delbaere, J Dick, G Duke, ...
Ecosystem services 29, 415-427, 2018
Exploring operational ecosystem service definitions: The case of boreal forests
H Saarikoski, K Jax, PA Harrison, E Primmer, DN Barton, L Mononen, ...
Ecosystem Services 14, 144-157, 2015
The helsinki declaration 2020: Europe that protects
JI Halonen, M Erhola, E Furman, T Haahtela, P Jousilahti, R Barouki, ...
The Lancet Planetary Health 4 (11), e503-e505, 2020
Attentive, speculative experimental research for sustainability transitions: an exploration in sustainable eating
M Kaljonen, T Peltola, M Salo, E Furman
Journal of Cleaner Production 206, 365-373, 2019
From isolated labels and nudges to sustained tinkering: assessing long-term changes in sustainable eating at a lunch restaurant
M Kaljonen, M Salo, J Lyytimäki, E Furman
British Food Journal 122 (11), 3313-3329, 2020
Self-fertilisation in Balanus improvisus Darwin
ER Furman, AB Yule
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 144 (2-3), 235-239, 1990
Helsinki by nature: the nature step to respiratory health
T Haahtela, L von Hertzen, JM Anto, C Bai, A Baigenzhin, ED Bateman, ...
Clinical and translational allergy 9, 1-12, 2019
A call for urgent action to safeguard our planet and our health in line with the Helsinki declaration
JI Halonen, M Erhola, E Furman, T Haahtela, P Jousilahti, R Barouki, ...
Environmental research 193, 110600, 2021
Air pollution and COVID-19: clearing the air and charting a post-pandemic course: a joint workshop report of ERS, ISEE, HEI and WHO
ZJ Andersen, B Hoffmann, L Morawska, M Adams, E Furman, ...
European Respiratory Journal 58 (2), 2021
Nature-based integration: Nordic experiences and examples
K Pitkänen, J Oratuomi, D Hellgren, E Furman, S Gentin, E Sandberg, ...
Nordic Council of Ministers, 2017
Assessment across borders: Stumbling blocks and options in the practical implementation of the Espoo Convention
M Hildén, ER Furman
Environmental Impact Assessment Review 21 (6), 537-551, 2001
En aquests moments el sistema no pot dur a terme l'operació. Torneu-ho a provar més tard.
Articles 1–20