Elise Marescaux
Elise Marescaux
Full Professor HRM, IESEG School of Management, France
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HR practices and HRM outcomes: The role of basic need satisfaction
E Marescaux, S De Winne, L Sels
Personnel Review 42 (1), 4-27, 2012
HR practices and affective organisational commitment:(when) does HR differentiation pay off?
E Marescaux, S De Winne, L Sels
Human resource management journal 23 (4), 329-345, 2013
The impact of employee turnover and turnover volatility on labor productivity: a flexible non-linear approach
S De Winne, E Marescaux, L Sels, I Van Beveren, S Vanormelingen
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 30 (21), 3049-3079, 2019
Developmental HRM, employee well‐being and performance: The moderating role of developing leadership
E Marescaux, S De Winne, A Forrier
European Management Review 16 (2), 317-331, 2019
Idiosyncratic deals from a distributive justice perspective: Examining co-workers’ voice behavior
E Marescaux, S De Winne, L Sels
Journal of Business Ethics 154, 263-281, 2019
Seeking an “i-deal” balance: Schedule-flexibility i-deals as mediating mechanisms between supervisor emotional support and employee work and home performance
CM Kelly, Y Rofcanin, M Las Heras, C Ogbonnaya, E Marescaux, ...
Journal of Vocational Behavior 118, 103369, 2020
Co-worker reactions to i-deals through the lens of social comparison: The role of fairness and emotions
E Marescaux, S De Winne, Y Rofcanin
Human Relations 74 (3), 329-353, 2021
The role of firm size and knowledge intensity in the performance effects of collective turnover
K De Meulenaere, S De Winne, E Marescaux, S Vanormelingen
Journal of Management 47 (4), 993-1023, 2021
When employees and supervisors (do not) see eye to eye on family supportive supervisor behaviours: The role of segmentation desire and work-family culture
E Marescaux, Y Rofcanin, M Las Heras, R Ilies, MJ Bosch
Journal of Vocational Behavior 121, 103471, 2020
Human resource differentiation: A theoretical paper integrating co‐workers' perspective and context
Y Rofcanin, A Berber, E Marescaux, PM Bal, F Mughal, M Afacan Findikli
Human Resource Management Journal 29 (2), 270-286, 2019
Putting the pieces together: A review of HR differentiation literature and a multilevel model
E Marescaux, S De Winne, L Brebels
Journal of Management 47 (6), 1564-1595, 2021
Equity versus need: How do coworkers judge the distributive fairness of i-deals?
E Marescaux, S De Winne
Idiosyncratic deals between employees and organizations, 107-121, 2015
A contingency approach to HRM and firm innovation: The role of national cultures
J Yao, E Marescaux, L Ma, M Storme
Human Resource Management 62 (5), 685-699, 2023
Exploring the effects of reduced load work arrangements (RLWAs): The role of individual autonomy and workplace level justice perceptions
A Berber, MA Findikli, E Marescaux, Y Rofcanin, F Mughal, J Swart
European Management Journal 41 (5), 720-729, 2023
What does your i-deal say about me? A social comparison examination of coworker reactions to flexibility i-deals
T Van Waeyenberg, L Brebels, S De Winne, E Marescaux
Group & Organization Management 48 (1), 192-223, 2023
HRM practices and work outcomes: The role of basic need satisfaction
E Marescaux, S De Winne, L Sels
Available at SSRN 1628547, 2010
Talents under threat: The anticipation of being ostracized by non-talents drives talent turnover
A Van Zelderen, N Dries, E Marescaux
Group & Organization Management, 10596011231211639, 2023
Employee turnover (volatility) and labor productivity
S De Winne, E Marescaux, L Sels, I Van Beveren, S Vanormelingen
WSE Report 2015, 2015
Co-worker reactions to i-deals: A distributive justice perspective
E Marescaux, S De Winne, L Sels
Academy of Management Proceedings 2013 (1), 13669, 2013
Managing differences between employees: Different perspectives on HR differentiation
TA Beauregard, N Dries, DP Lepak, R Ortlieb, B Sieben
Academy of management proceedings 2015 (1), 14325, 2015
En aquests moments el sistema no pot dur a terme l'operació. Torneu-ho a provar més tard.
Articles 1–20