Luis Santamaria
Luis Santamaria
Investigador Científico, Estación Biológica de Doñana (CSIC-EBD)
Correu electrònic verificat a - Pàgina d'inici
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Why are most aquatic plants widely distributed? Dispersal, clonal growth and small-scale heterogeneity in a stressful environment
L Santamaría
Acta oecologica 23 (3), 137-154, 2002
Seed dispersal in changing landscapes
KR McConkey, S Prasad, RT Corlett, A Campos-Arceiz, JF Brodie, ...
Biological Conservation 146 (1), 1-13, 2012
A new algorithm to calculate the nestedness temperature of presence–absence matrices
MA Rodríguez‐Gironés, L Santamaría
Journal of biogeography 33 (5), 924-935, 2006
Contrasting effects of invasive plants in plant–pollinator networks
I Bartomeus, M Vilà, L Santamaría
Oecologia 155, 761-770, 2008
Biotic wetland connectivity—supporting a new approach for wetland policy
JM Amezaga, L Santamaría, AJ Green
Acta oecologica 23 (3), 213-222, 2002
Linkage rules for plant–pollinator networks: trait complementarity or exploitation barriers?
L Santamaria, MA Rodriguez-Girones
PLoS biology 5 (2), e31, 2007
Herbivory on freshwater and marine macrophytes: a review and perspective
ES Bakker, KA Wood, JF Pagès, GFC Veen, MJA Christianen, ...
Aquatic Botany 135, 18-36, 2016
Passive internal transport of aquatic organisms by waterfowl in Doñana, south‐west Spain
J Figuerola, AJ Green, L Santamaría
Global Ecology and Biogeography 12 (5), 427-436, 2003
Migratory birds as global dispersal vectors
DS Viana, L Santamaría, J Figuerola
Trends in ecology & evolution 31 (10), 763-775, 2016
Why are so many bird flowers red?
MA Rodríguez-Gironés, L Santamaría
PLoS biology 2 (10), e350, 2004
Water flow across and sediment trapping in submerged macrophyte beds of contrasting growth form
JE Vermaat, L Santamaria, PJ Roos
Archiv für Hydrobiologie 148 (4), 549-562, 2000
Plant performance across latitude: the role of plasticity and local adaptation in an aquatic plant
L Santamaría, J Figuerola, JJ Pilon, M Mjelde, AJ Green, T De Boer, ...
Ecology 84 (9), 2454-2461, 2003
Waterbirds as endozoochorous dispersers of aquatic organisms: a review of experimental evidence
I Charalambidou, L Santamaría
Acta Oecologica 23 (3), 165-176, 2002
Assembly mechanisms determining high species turnover in aquatic communities over regional and continental scales
DS Viana, J Figuerola, K Schwenk, M Manca, A Hobaek, M Mjelde, ...
Ecography 39 (3), 281-288, 2016
Comparative dispersal effectiveness of wigeongrass seeds by waterfowl wintering in south‐west Spain: quantitative and qualitative aspects
J Figuerola, AJ Green, L Santamaría
Journal of Ecology 90 (6), 989-1001, 2002
Effect of ingestion by five avian dispersers on the retention time, retrieval and germination of Ruppia maritima seeds
I Charalambidou, L Santamaria, O Langevoord
Functional Ecology, 747-753, 2003
Clonal diversity and structure within a population of the pondweed Potamogeton pectinatus foraged by Bewick's swans
HH Hangelbroek, NJ Ouborg, L Santamaría, K Schwenk
Molecular Ecology 11 (10), 2137-2150, 2002
Modeling biomass production in seasonal wetlands using MODIS NDVI land surface phenology
M Lumbierres, PF Méndez, J Bustamante, R Soriguer, L Santamaría
Remote Sensing 9 (4), 392, 2017
Meta‐analysis of the effects of forest fragmentation on interspecific interactions
A Magrach, WF Laurance, AR Larrinaga, L Santamaria
Conservation Biology 28 (5), 1342-1348, 2014
Behavior rather than diet mediates seasonal differences in seed dispersal by Asian elephants
A Campos-Arceiz, AR Larrinaga, UR Weerasinghe, S Takatsuki, ...
Ecology 89 (10), 2684-2691, 2008
En aquests moments el sistema no pot dur a terme l'operació. Torneu-ho a provar més tard.
Articles 1–20