Felix Schönbrodt
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Redefine statistical significance
DJ Benjamin, JO Berger, M Johannesson, BA Nosek, EJ Wagenmakers, ...
Nature human behaviour 2 (1), 6-10, 2018
At what sample size do correlations stabilize?
FD Schönbrodt, M Perugini
Journal of Research in Personality 47 (5), 609-612, 2013
Many Labs 2: Investigating variation in replicability across samples and settings
RA Klein, M Vianello, F Hasselman, BG Adams, RB Adams Jr, S Alper, ...
Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 1 (4), 443-490, 2018
Many analysts, one data set: Making transparent how variations in analytic choices affect results
R Silberzahn, EL Uhlmann, DP Martin, P Anselmi, F Aust, E Awtrey, ...
Advances in methods and practices in psychological science 1 (3), 337-356, 2018
Bayes factor design analysis: Planning for compelling evidence
FD Schönbrodt, EJ Wagenmakers
Psychonomic bulletin & review 25 (1), 128-142, 2018
Replicability, robustness, and reproducibility in psychological science
BA Nosek, TE Hardwicke, H Moshontz, A Allard, KS Corker, A Dreber, ...
Annual review of psychology 73 (1), 719-748, 2022
Sequential hypothesis testing with Bayes factors: Efficiently testing mean differences.
FD Schönbrodt, EJ Wagenmakers, M Zehetleitner, M Perugini
Psychological methods 22 (2), 322, 2017
Correcting for bias in psychology: A comparison of meta-analytic methods
EC Carter, FD Schönbrodt, WM Gervais, J Hilgard
Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 2 (2), 115-144, 2019
PERSOC: A unified framework for understanding the dynamic interplay of personality and social relationships
MD Back, A Baumert, JJA Denissen, FM Hartung, L Penke, SC Schmukle, ...
European Journal of Personality 25 (2), 90-107, 2011
The Peer Reviewers' Openness Initiative: incentivizing open research practices through peer review
RD Morey, CD Chambers, PJ Etchells, CR Harris, R Hoekstra, D Lakens, ...
Royal Society open science 3 (1), 150547, 2016
An IRT Analysis of Motive Questionnaires: The Unified Motive Scales
FD Schönbrodt, FXR Gerstenberg
Journal of Research in Personality, 2012
A tutorial on Bayes Factor Design Analysis using an informed prior
AM Stefan, QF Gronau, FD Schönbrodt, EJ Wagenmakers
Behavior research methods 51, 1042-1058, 2019
RSA: An R package for response surface analysis (version 0.9. 10)
FD Schönbrodt, S Humberg
TripleR: An R package for social relations analyses based on round-robin designs
FD Schönbrodt, MD Back, SC Schmukle
Behavior research methods 44, 455-470, 2012
To live among like-minded others: Exploring the links between person-city personality fit and self-esteem
W Bleidorn, F Schönbrodt, JE Gebauer, PJ Rentfrow, J Potter, SD Gosling
Psychological science 27 (3), 419-427, 2016
Testing similarity effects with dyadic response surface analysis
FD Schönbrodt, S Humberg, S Nestler
European Journal of Personality 32 (6), 627-641, 2018
Response surface analysis with multilevel data: Illustration for the case of congruence hypotheses.
S Nestler, S Humberg, FD Schönbrodt
Psychological Methods 24 (3), 291, 2019
The religiosity as social value hypothesis: A multi-method replication and extension across 65 countries and three levels of spatial aggregation.
JE Gebauer, C Sedikides, FD Schönbrodt, W Bleidorn, PJ Rentfrow, ...
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 113 (3), e18, 2017
The social consequences and mechanisms of personality: How to analyse longitudinal data from individual, dyadic, round–robin and network designs
S Nestler, KJ Grimm, FD Schönbrodt
European Journal of Personality 29 (2), 272-295, 2015
Should we stop looking for a better scoring algorithm for handling Implicit Association Test data? Test of the role of errors, extreme latencies treatment, scoring formula, and …
J Richetin, G Costantini, M Perugini, F Schönbrodt
PloS one 10 (6), e0129601, 2015
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Articles 1–20