Elena Katok
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How effective are electronic reputation mechanisms? An experimental investigation
GE Bolton, E Katok, A Ockenfels
Management science 50 (11), 1587-1602, 2004
Dictator game giving: Rules of fairness versus acts of kindness
GE Bolton, E Katok, R Zwick
International journal of game theory 27, 269-299, 1998
Learning by doing in the newsvendor problem: A laboratory investigation of the role of experience and feedback
GE Bolton, E Katok
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 10 (3), 519-538, 2008
Cooperation among strangers with limited information about reputation
GE Bolton, E Katok, A Ockenfels
Journal of Public Economics 89 (8), 1457-1468, 2005
An experimental test for gender differences in beneficent behavior
GE Bolton, E Katok
Economics Letters 48 (3-4), 287-292, 1995
Contracting in supply chains: A laboratory investigation
E Katok, DY Wu
Management science 55 (12), 1953-1968, 2009
Fairness in supply chain contracts: A laboratory study
E Katok, V Pavlov
Journal of Operations Management 31 (3), 129-137, 2013
Order stability in supply chains: Coordination risk and the role of coordination stock
R Croson, K Donohue, E Katok, J Sterman
Production and Operations Management 23 (2), 176-196, 2014
Learning, communication, and the bullwhip effect
DY Wu, E Katok
Journal of operations management 24 (6), 839-850, 2006
Designing buyback contracts for irrational but predictable newsvendors
M Becker-Peth, E Katok, UW Thonemann
Management Science 59 (8), 1800-1816, 2013
Regret and feedback information in first-price sealed-bid auctions
R Engelbrecht-Wiggans, E Katok
Management Science 54 (4), 808-819, 2008
Wholesale pricing under mild and privately known concerns for fairness
E Katok, T Olsen, V Pavlov
Production and Operations Management 23 (2), 285-302, 2014
An experimental test of the crowding out hypothesis: The nature of beneficent behavior
GE Bolton, E Katok
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 37 (3), 315-331, 1998
A comparison of buyer-determined and price-based multiattribute mechanisms
R Engelbrecht-Wiggans, E Haruvy, E Katok
Marketing Science 26 (5), 629-641, 2007
Regret in auctions: Theory and evidence
R Engelbrecht-Wiggans, E Katok
Economic Theory 33 (1), 81-101, 2007
Time is money: The effect of clock speed on seller’s revenue in Dutch auctions
E Katok, AM Kwasnica
Experimental Economics 11, 344-357, 2008
Fairness and supply chain coordination failures
V Pavlov, E Katok
University of Texas at Dallas Working Paper, 2015
Increasing revenue by decreasing information in procurement auctions
E Haruvy, E Katok
Production and Operations Management 22 (1), 19-35, 2013
Foundations and Trends in Technology, Information and Operations Management.
P Castka, C Corbett
Hanover: NOW Publishers, 2015
Push, pull, or both? A behavioral study of how the allocation of inventory risk affects channel efficiency
AM Davis, E Katok, N Santamaría
Management Science 60 (11), 2666-2683, 2014
En aquests moments el sistema no pot dur a terme l'operació. Torneu-ho a provar més tard.
Articles 1–20