Jordan Axt
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Racial bias in pain assessment and treatment recommendations, and false beliefs about biological differences between blacks and whites
KM Hoffman, S Trawalter, JR Axt, MN Oliver
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (16), 4296-4301, 2016
A meta-analysis of change in implicit bias
PS Forscher, CK Lai, JR Axt, CR Ebersole, M Herman, PG Devine, ...
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2019
Reducing implicit racial preferences: II. Intervention effectiveness across time.
CK Lai, AL Skinner, E Cooley, S Murrar, M Brauer, T Devos, J Calanchini, ...
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 145 (8), 1001, 2016
Relationship between the Implicit Association Test and intergroup behavior: A meta-analysis.
B Kurdi, AE Seitchik, JR Axt, TJ Carroll, A Karapetyan, N Kaushik, ...
American Psychologist, 2018
Understanding and Using the Brief Implicit Association Test: Recommended Scoring Procedures
AGG BA Nosek, Y Bar-Anan, N Sriram, JR Axt
PLoS One, 2014
The Rules of Implicit Evaluation by Race, Religion, and Age
JR Axt, CR Ebersole, BA Nosek
Psychological Science, 2014
The best way to measure explicit racial attitudes is to ask about them
JR Axt
Social Psychological and Personality Science 9 (8), 896-906, 2018
Scientists’ reputations are based on getting it right, not being right
CR Ebersole, JR Axt, BA Nosek
PLoS Biology 14 (5), e1002460, 2016
The Psychology of Residential and Relational Mobilities
S Oishi, J Schug, M Yuki, JR Axt
Handbook of Advances in Culture and Psychology 5, 221-272, 2015
Implicit transgender attitudes independently predict beliefs about gender and transgender people
J Axt, M Conway, E Westgate, N Buttrick
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 2020
The psychologically rich life questionnaire
S Oishi, H Choi, N Buttrick, SJ Heintzelman, K Kushlev, EC Westgate, ...
Journal of Research in Personality 81, 257-270, 2019
Happiness, meaning, and psychological richness
S Oishi, H Choi, M Koo, I Galinha, K Ishii, A Komiya, M Luhmann, ...
Affective Science 1, 107-115, 2020
An Unintentional, Robust, and Replicable Pro-Black Bias in Social Judgment
JR Axt, CR Ebersole, BA Nosek
Social Cognition 34 (1), 1-39, 2016
The Judgment Bias Task: A flexible method for assessing individual differences in social judgment biases
JR Axt, H Nguyen, BA Nosek
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 76, 337-355, 2018
Reducing Discrimination: A Bias Versus Noise Perspective
J Axt, C Lai
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2019
The Psychological Appeal of Fake News Attributions
J Axt, MJ Landau, AC Kay
Psychological Science, 2020
Reducing social judgment biases may require identifying the potential source of bias
JR Axt, G Casola, BA Nosek
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 45 (8), 1232-1251, 2019
Simultaneous ingroup and outgroup favoritism in implicit social cognition
JR Axt, T Moran, Y Bar-Anan
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 79, 275-289, 2018
Implicit and explicit attitudes toward African Americans and Barack Obama did not substantively change during Obama's presidency
K Schmidt, JR Axt
Social Cognition 34 (6), 559-588, 2016
Re-assessing the incremental predictive validity of Implicit Association Tests
N Buttrick, J Axt, CR Ebersole, J Huband
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 88, 103941, 2020
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