Sylwester Rzoska
Sylwester Rzoska
Institute of High Pressure Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
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Discovery of ultra-crack-resistant oxide glasses with adaptive networks
K Januchta, RE Youngman, A Goel, M Bauchy, SL Logunov, SJ Rzoska, ...
Chemistry of Materials 29 (14), 5865-5876, 2017
Structure and mechanical properties of compressed sodium aluminosilicate glasses: Role of non-bridging oxygens
TK Bechgaard, A Goel, RE Youngman, JC Mauro, SJ Rzoska, ...
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 441, 49-57, 2016
Critical behavior of dielectric permittivity in the isotropic phase of nematogens
A Drozd-Rzoska, SJ Rzoska, J Zioło
Physical Review E 54 (6), 6452, 1996
Temperature and volume effects on the change of dynamics in propylene carbonate
S Pawlus, R Casalini, CM Roland, M Paluch, SJ Rzoska, J Ziolo
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 70 (6 …, 2004
Structural origin of high crack resistance in sodium aluminoborate glasses
K Januchta, RE Youngman, A Goel, M Bauchy, SJ Rzoska, M Bockowski, ...
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 460, 54-65, 2017
Scaling of high-pressure viscosity data in low-molecular-weight glass-forming liquids
M Paluch, Z Dendzik, SJ Rzoska
Physical Review B 60 (5), 2979, 1999
Phase transitions from THE isotropic liquid to liquid crystalline mesophases studied by linear and nonlinear static dielectric permittivity
A Drozd-Rzoska, SJ Rzoska, K Czupryñski
Physical Review E 61 (5), 5355, 2000
A universal description of ultraslow glass dynamics
JC Martinez-Garcia, SJ Rzoska, A Drozd-Rzoska, J Martinez-Garcia
Nature communications 4 (1), 1823, 2013
Quasicritical behavior of dielectric permittivity in the isotropic phase of smectogenic n-cyanobiphenyls
A Drozd-Rzoska, SJ Rzoska, J Zioło
Physical Review E 61 (5), 5349, 2000
On the isothermal pressure behaviour of the relaxation times for supercooled glass-forming liquids
M Paluch, SJ Rzoska, P Habdas, J Ziolo
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 10 (19), 4131, 1998
Kerr effect and the nonlinear dielectric effect on approaching the critical consolute point
SJ Rzoska
Physical Review E 48 (2), 1136, 1993
Unique effects of thermal and pressure histories on glass hardness: structural and topological origin
MM Smedskjaer, M Bauchy, JC Mauro, SJ Rzoska, M Bockowski
The Journal of chemical physics 143 (16), 2015
Changes in dynamic crossover with temperature and pressure in glass-forming diethyl phthalate
S Pawlus, M Paluch, M Sekula, KL Ngai, SJ Rzoska, J Ziolo
Physical Review E 68 (2), 021503, 2003
Modifier field strength effects on densification behavior and mechanical properties of alkali aluminoborate glasses
K Januchta, M Bauchy, RE Youngman, SJ Rzoska, M Bockowski, ...
Physical Review Materials 1 (6), 063603, 2017
Nonlinear dielectric phenomena in complex liquids
SJ Rzoska, VP Zhelezny, V Zhelezny
Springer Science & Business Media, 2004
Influence of intermolecular interactions on the sign of dTC/dp in critical solutions
P Urbanowicz, SJ Rzoska, M Paluch, B Sawicki, A Szulc, J Zioło
Chemical physics 201 (2-3), 575-582, 1995
Fluidlike behavior of dielectric permittivity in a wide range of temperature above and below the nematic-isotropic transition
SJ Rzoska, J Ziolo, W Sułkowski, J Jadżyn, G Czechowski
Physical Review E 64 (5), 052701, 2001
New achievements in high-pressure processing to preserve human milk bioactivity
A Wesolowska, E Sinkiewicz-Darol, O Barbarska, K Strom, M Rutkowska, ...
Frontiers in pediatrics 6, 323, 2018
Indentation deformation mechanism of isostatically compressed mixed alkali aluminosilicate glasses
KG Aakermann, K Januchta, JAL Pedersen, MN Svenson, SJ Rzoska, ...
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 426, 175-183, 2015
Composition-structure-property relations of compressed borosilicate glasses
MN Svenson, TK Bechgaard, SD Fuglsang, RH Pedersen, AØ Tjell, ...
Physical Review Applied 2 (2), 024006, 2014
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Articles 1–20