Do Kyung Kim
Do Kyung Kim
Professor of Nanomedicine, Konyang University
Correu electrònic verificat a - Pàgina d'inici
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Synthesis and characterization of surfactant-coated superparamagnetic monodispersed iron oxide nanoparticles
DK Kim, Y Zhang, W Voit, KV Rao, M Muhammed
Journal of magnetism and Magnetic Materials 225 (1-2), 30-36, 2001
Flexible Nanocomposite Generator Made of BaTiO3 Nanoparticles and Graphitic Carbons
KI Park, M Lee, Y Liu, S Moon, GT Hwang, G Zhu, JE Kim, SO Kim, ...
Advanced materials 24 (22), 2999-3004, 2012
Spinel LiMn2O4 Nanorods as Lithium Ion Battery Cathodes
DK Kim, P Muralidharan, HW Lee, R Ruffo, Y Yang, CK Chan, H Peng, ...
Nano letters 8 (11), 3948-3952, 2008
Antibiofouling polymer-coated superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles as potential magnetic resonance contrast agents for in vivo cancer imaging
H Lee, E Lee, DK Kim, NK Jang, YY Jeong, S Jon
Journal of the American Chemical Society 128 (22), 7383-7389, 2006
Protective coating of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles
DK Kim, M Mikhaylova, Y Zhang, M Muhammed
Chemistry of Materials 15 (8), 1617-1627, 2003
Superparamagnetism of magnetite nanoparticles: dependence on surface modification
M Mikhaylova, DK Kim, N Bobrysheva, M Osmolowsky, V Semenov, ...
Langmuir 20 (6), 2472-2477, 2004
Ultrathin Spinel LiMn2O4 Nanowires as High Power Cathode Materials for Li-Ion Batteries
HW Lee, P Muralidharan, R Ruffo, CM Mari, Y Cui, DK Kim
Nano letters 10 (10), 3852-3856, 2010
Nanocomposites of polymer and inorganic nanoparticles for optical and magnetic applications
S Li, M Meng Lin, MS Toprak, DK Kim, M Muhammed
Nano reviews 1 (1), 5214, 2010
Characterization and MRI study of surfactant-coated superparamagnetic nanoparticles administered into the rat brain
DK Kim, Y Zhang, J Kehr, T Klason, B Bjelke, M Muhammed
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 225 (1-2), 256-261, 2001
Encapsulated monoclinic sulfur for stable cycling of Li–S rechargeable batteries
S Moon, YH Jung, WK Jung, DS Jung, JW Choi, DK Kim
Advanced Materials 25 (45), 6547-6553, 2013
Starch-coated superparamagnetic nanoparticles as MR contrast agents
DK Kim, M Mikhaylova, FH Wang, J Kehr, B Bjelke, Y Zhang, ...
Chemistry of Materials 15 (23), 4343-4351, 2003
Three-dimensional nanonetworks for giant stretchability in dielectrics and conductors
J Park, S Wang, M Li, C Ahn, JK Hyun, DS Kim, DK Kim, JA Rogers, ...
Nature communications 3 (1), 916, 2012
BSA immobilization on amine-functionalized superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles
M Mikhaylova, DK Kim, CC Berry, A Zagorodni, M Toprak, ASG Curtis, ...
Chemistry of Materials 16 (12), 2344-2354, 2004
Ab Initio Study of the Sodium Intercalation and Intermediate Phases in Na0.44MnO2 for Sodium-Ion Battery
H Kim, DJ Kim, DH Seo, MS Yeom, K Kang, DK Kim, Y Jung
Chemistry of Materials 24 (6), 1205-1211, 2012
New multi-layered zirconias: Composition, microstructure and translucency
N Kolakarnprasert, MR Kaizer, DK Kim, Y Zhang
Dental Materials 35 (5), 797-806, 2019
Graphene-supported Na 3 V 2 (PO 4) 3 as a high rate cathode material for sodium-ion batteries
YH Jung, CH Lim, DK Kim
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 1 (37), 11350-11354, 2013
Indentation techniques for evaluating the fracture toughness of biomaterials and hard tissues
JJ Kruzic, DK Kim, KJ Koester, RO Ritchie
Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 2 (4), 384-395, 2009
Solvothermal synthesis of tungsten oxide nanorod/nanowire/nanosheet
HG Choi, YH Jung, DK Kim
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 88 (6), 1684-1686, 2005
Superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles for bio-medical applications
DK Kim, Y Zhang, W Voit, KV Rao, J Kehr, B Bjelke, M Muhammed
Scripta materialia 44 (8-9), 1713-1717, 2001
Hydrothermal synthesis and characterization of self-assembled h-WO3 nanowires/nanorods using EDTA salts
JH Ha, P Muralidharan, DK Kim
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 475 (1-2), 446-451, 2009
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Articles 1–20