An improved maximum likelihood method for power spectral density estimation M Lagunas-Hernandez, A Gasull-Llampallas IEEE transactions on acoustics, speech, and signal processing 32 (1), 170-173, 1984 | 70 | 1984 |
Maximum likelihood filters in spectral estimation problems MA Lagunas, ME Santamaria, A Gasull, A Moreno Signal Processing 10 (1), 19-34, 1986 | 67 | 1986 |
Oil spills detection in SAR images using mathematical morphology A Gasull, X Fàbregas, J Jiménez, F Marqués, V Moreno, MA Herrero 2002 11th European Signal Processing Conference, 1-4, 2002 | 53 | 2002 |
A contour-based approach to binary shape coding using a multiple grid chain code P Nunes, F Marqués, F Pereira, A Gasull Signal Processing: Image Communication 15 (7-8), 585-599, 2000 | 45 | 2000 |
Coding of partition sequences P Salembier, F Marqués, A Gasull Video Coding: The second generation approach, 125-169, 1996 | 40 | 1996 |
Motion estimation using higher order statistics E Sayrol, A Gasull, JR Fonollosa IEEE transactions on image processing 5 (6), 1077-1084, 1996 | 33 | 1996 |
Motion estimation techniques to automatically track oceanographic thermal structures in multisensor image sequences J Marcello, F Eugenio, F Marques, A Hernandez-Guerra, A Gasull IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 46 (9), 2743-2762, 2008 | 32 | 2008 |
Caption text extraction for indexing purposes using a hierarchical region-based image model M Leon, V Vilaplana, A Gasull, F Marques 2009 16th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 1869-1872, 2009 | 29 | 2009 |
Hierarchical segmentation using compound Gauss-Markov random fields F Marqués, J Cunillera, A Gasull [Proceedings] ICASSP-92: 1992 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics …, 1992 | 26 | 1992 |
Coding-oriented segmentation based on Gibbs-Markov random fields and human visual system knowledge F Marques, A Gasull, TR Reed, M Kunt [Proceedings] ICASSP 91: 1991 International Conference on Acoustics, Speech …, 1991 | 23 | 1991 |
Region-based caption text extraction M Leon, V Vilaplana, A Gasull, F Marques Analysis, Retrieval and Delivery of Multimedia Content, 21-36, 2013 | 22 | 2013 |
A tree structured-based caption text detection approach M Leon, S Mallo, A Gasull, UPCC Nord, J Girona Proc. fifth iasted international conference visualization, imaging and image …, 2005 | 22 | 2005 |
Partition coding using multi-grid chain code and motion compensation F Marques, A Gasull Proceedings of 3rd IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 2, 935-938, 1996 | 18 | 1996 |
Prediction of image partitions using Fourier descriptors: application to segmentation-based coding schemes F Marqués, B Llorens, A Gasull IEEE Transactions on image processing 7 (4), 529-542, 1998 | 17 | 1998 |
Hierarchical image sequence model for segmentation: application to region-based sequence coding F Marques, V Vera, A Gasull Visual Communications and Image Processing'94 2308, 554-563, 1994 | 16 | 1994 |
Text detection in images and video sequences M León, A Gasull IADAT International Conference on Multi-media, Image Processing and Computer …, 2005 | 15 | 2005 |
Morphological preprocessing and binarization for OCR systems M Cumplido, P Montolio, A Gasull Mathematical Morphology and its Applications to Image and Signal Processing …, 1996 | 14 | 1996 |
Partition coding method and device F Marques, C Gomila, A Gasull US Patent 6,594,310, 2003 | 10 | 2003 |
Lossy image contour coding with multiple grid chain code A Gasull, F Marques, JA Garcia Workshop on Image Analysis and Sythesis in Image Coding, Berlin, Germany …, 1994 | 10 | 1994 |
Object detection and segmentation on a hierarchical region-based image representation V Vilaplana, F Marques, M Leon, A Gasull 2010 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 3933-3936, 2010 | 9 | 2010 |