Prof. Mohammed T. Nuseir
Prof. Mohammed T. Nuseir
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The impact of electronic word of mouth (e-WOM) on the online purchase intention of consumers in the Islamic countries – a case of (UAE)
Mohammed .T.Nuseir
Journal of Islamic Marketing 10 (No. 3), 759-767, 2019
The role of digital marketing in business performance with the moderating effect of environment factors among SMEs of UAE
M.T.Nuseir,Aljumah. A
International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change 11 (3), 310- 324, 2020
Traditional marketing analytics, big data analytics and big data system quality and the success of new product development
AI Aljumah, MT Nuseir, MM Alam
Business Process Management Journal 27 (4), 1108-1125, 2021
Organizational performance and capabilities to analyze big data: do the ambidexterity and business value of big data analytics matter?
AI Aljumah, MT Nuseir, MM Alam
Business Process Management Journal 27 (4), 1088-1107, 2021
Digital media impact on SMEs performance in the UAE
Mohammed .T.Nuseir
Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal, 2018
Antecedents of entrepreneurial intentions in smart city of Neom Saudi Arabia: Does the entrepreneurial education on artificial intelligence matter?
M T. Nuseir, MF Basheer, A Aljumah
Cogent Business & Management 7 (1), 1-17, 2020
4Ps: A strategy to secure customers' loyalty via customer satisfaction
Mohammed. T.Nuseir, Madanat, Hilda
International Journal of Marketing Studies 7 (4), 78, 2015
The Impact of Social Media Marketing Communications on Consumer Response During the COVID-19: Does the Brand Equity of a University Matter?
A Aljumah, MT Nuseir, MT Alshurideh
The Effect of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) on Business Intelligence 334 …, 2021
Determinants of e-logistic customer satisfaction: A mediating role of information and communication technology (ICT)
WU Hameed, S Nadeem, M Azeem, AI Aljumah, ...
International Journal of Supply Chain Management (IJSCM) 7 (1), 105-111, 2018
Examining the effect of social media interaction, E-WOM, and public relations: Assessing the mediating role of brand awareness
AI Aljumah, M Nuseir, GA El Refae
Growing Science, 2023
Digital Marketing Adoption Influenced by Relative Advantage and Competitive Industry: A UAE Tourism Case Study
International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change 11 (2), 23-37, 2020
The effects of subjective norm on the intention to use social media networks: An exploratory study using PLS-SEM and machine learning approach
B Al Kurdi, M Alshurideh, M Nuseir, A Aburayya, SA Salloum
International conference on advanced machine learning technologies and …, 2021
The effects of facilitating conditions, customer experience and brand loyalty on customer-based brand equity through social media marketing
MT Nuseir, G Elrefae
International Journal of Data and Network Science 6 (3), 875-884, 2022
How the Business Intelligence in the New Startup Performance in UAE During COVID-19: The Mediating Role of Innovativeness
MT Nuseir, A Aljumah, MT Alshurideh
The Effect of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) on Business Intelligence 334 …, 2021
The e-Learning of Students and University’s Brand Image (Post COVID-19): How Successfully Al-Ain University Have Embraced the Paradigm Shift in Digital Learning
MT Nuseir, A Ghaleb, A Aljumah
The Effect of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) on Business Intelligence 334 …, 2021
The effect of sensory marketing factors on customer loyalty during Covid 19: Exploring the mediating role of customer satisfaction
AI Aljumah, MT Nuseir, GA El Refae
International Journal of Data and Network Science 6 (4), 1359-1368, 2022
Gender discrimination at workplace: Do artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) have opinions about it
MT Nuseir, BH Al Kurdi, MT Alshurideh, HM Alzoubi
The international conference on artificial intelligence and computer vision …, 2021
Impacts of Service Quality, Satisfaction and Trust on the Loyalty of Foreign Patients in Malaysian Medical Tourism
A.Aljumah,Mohammed.T. Nuseir
International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change 11 (2), 451-467, 2020
Exploring the use of online marketing strategies and digital media to improve the brand loyalty and customer retention
Mohammed. T.Nuseir
International Journal of Business and Management 11 (4), 228-238, 2016
The effects of employee commitment and environment uncertainty on product quality: The mediating role of supply chain integration
AI Aljumah, H Shahroor, M Nuseir, GA El Refae
Uncertain Supply Chain Management 10 (4), 1379 - 1386, 2022
En aquests moments el sistema no pot dur a terme l'operació. Torneu-ho a provar més tard.
Articles 1–20