Jin Hooi Chan
Jin Hooi Chan
Full Professor, Greenwich Business School, University of Greenwich; EPRG, University of Cambridge;
Correu electrònic verificat a - Pàgina d'inici
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Motivations for selecting Cross-Border E-Commerce as a Foreign Market Entry Mode
X Qi, JH Chan, J Hu, Y Li
Industrial Marketing Management 89, 50 - 60, 2020
The role of self-gentrification in sustainable tourism: Indigenous entrepreneurship at Honghe Hani Rice Terraces World Heritage Site, China
JH Chan, K Iankova, Y Zhang, T McDonald, X Qi
Journal of Sustainable Tourism 24 (8&9), 1262-1279, 2016
Customer experience and brand loyalty in the full-service hotel sector: The role of brand affect
J Guan, W Wang, Z Guo, JH Chan, X Qi
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 2021
Big data in action: An overview of big data studies in tourism and hospitality journals
J Lyu, A Khan, S Bibi, JH Chan, X Qi
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management 51 (June), 346-360, 2022
Why are Chinese and North American guests satisfied or dissatisfied with hotels? An application of big data analysis
S Ying, JH Chan, X Qi
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 32 (10), 3249 …, 2020
Influence of macroeconomic stability on financial development in developing economies: evidence from West African region
KU Ehigiamusoe, HH Lean, JH Chan
The Singapore Economic Review 65 (4), 837-856, 2020
Cultural proximity, destination familiarity and tourists' sense of away-from-home (SAFH)
J Guan, JH Chan, J Bi, X Qi
Journal of Destination Marketing & Management 23, 100670, 2022
Independent Travelers’ Niche Hotel Booking Motivations: The Emergence of a Hybrid Cultural Society.
S Ying, W Wang, C Mejia, Y Wang, X Qi, JH Chan
International Journal of Hospitality Management 89 (102573), 1 - 12, 2020
Self-gentrification as a pro-active response to tourism development: Cases of Indigenous entrepreneurship in mainland China and Taiwan
J Chan, SY Chen, Z Ji, Y Zhang, X Qi
Indigenous Wellbeing and Enterprise; Self- Determination and Sustainable …, 2020
The influence of community factors on local entrepreneurs’ support for tourism
Y Zhang, JH Chan, Z Ji, L Sun, B Lane, X Qi
Current Issues in Tourism 23 (14), 1758-1772, 2020
Evolution in Inter-firm Governance along the Transport Biofuel Value Chain in Maritime Silk Road Countries.
JH Chan, D Reiner
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 122, 268-282, 2019
Entrepreneurship in an indigenous community: Sustainable tourism and economic development in a newly inscribed UNESCO world heritage site
JH Chan, Y Zhang, T McDonald, X Qi
Indigenous People and Economic Development, 189-204, 2016
An innovative social enterprise: Roles of and challenges faced by an arts hub in a World Heritage Site in Malaysia
JH Chan, S Chen, A Piterou, SL Khoo, HH Lean, IHM Hashim, B Lane
City, Culture and Society, 2021
Process framework for innovation through tradition and its antecedents in rural heritage B&B
W Wang, L Ding, JH Chan, X Qi
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 2022
Tourism gentrification and sustainability of farming cultural heritage site
Y Zhang, Z Ji, J Chan, X Pan
Journal of Minzu University of China (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition …, 2016
Operational risks and coping strategies of micro-enterprise in peer-to-peer accommodation service sector: Evidences from China
W Wang, C Su, JH Chan, X Qi
Industrial Management & Data Systems 120 (9), 1759 - 1775, 2020
'Dominance by birthright'? reconfiguration of firm boundaries to acquire new resources and capabilities.
JH Chan, R David
Industrial Management & Data Systems, 2019
Entrepreneurial Orientation of Traditional and Modern Cultural Organisations: Cases in George Town UNESCO World Heritage Site
JH Chan, IH Mohd Hashim, SL Khoo, A Piterou, HH Lean
Cogent Social Sciences 6 (1), 1810889, 2020
Dynamics of evolution in the global fuel-ethanol industry
JH Chan, D Reiner
Faculty of Economics, 2011
Firm characteristics and the adoption of data analytics in performance management: a critical analysis of EU enterprises
CTT Kiu, JH Chan
Industrial Management & Data Systems 124 (2), 820-858, 2024
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Articles 1–20